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ArabicPod101.com presents Arabic Survival Phrases. This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Arabic speaking countries, with particular focus on Morocco. So join us for Arabic Survival phrases. You will be surprised at how far a little Arabic will go.
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Lesson focus

In today's lesson, we'll cover some high-frequency adjectives to help you express yourself in various situations.
Let's start with "It's delicious."
"It's delicious" in Arabic is: haādšī binīn (هادشي بنين).
haādšī binīn
Let’s break it down: haādšī binīn
haādšī binīn
Now let's hear it again: haādšī binīn
There’s no exact equivalent of “it’s” in Arabic, you usually refer to the thing you’re talking about and add the adjective. So if you want to say “it's delicious,” you'll say “the food is delicious” in Arabic. But the closest word to “it” we can use in this example is haādšī.
haādšī, which literally means “this thing” but we use it sometimes to mean “it.”
So let's break it down and hear it one more time: haādšī
This is followed by binīn (بنين), which in Arabic means "delicious."
So to recap here, we have: haādšī binīn
And literally, it means “this is delicious.”
Now let's go over some other adjectives. Let's try "hot."
Again, to say "it's hot," you have to refer exactly to what you're talking about.
So if you mean, "it's hot" as in "it's spicy", we say haādšī ḥaār (هادشي حار).
haādšī ḥaār
haādšī ḥaār
haādšī means “this,” referring to what you’re eating.
ḥaār is “hot”
So together, haādšī ḥaār mean "it's hot."
Now if you want to say "it's hot" when talking about the weather, you say ṣṣahd (الصهد).
One more time: ṣṣahd
It’s only one word that means "it's hot"
And finally, if you're talking about temperature, we use the word sḫuūn (سخون), which means "hot."
So, to say "it's hot" is: haādšī sḫuūn (هادشي سخون).
haādšī sḫuūn
haādšī sḫuūn
Now, let's try another word, "beautiful."
"Beautiful" in Arabic is ǧamibl (جميل) for things that are masculine and ǧamiīlah (جميلة) for things that are feminine.
"It's beautiful" is haādšī ǧamibl (هادشي جميل) in Arabic.
One more time: haādšī ǧamibl
haādšī ǧamibl
haādšī ǧamibl
And one last word to learn is "near".
“Near” in Arabic is: qarīb (قريب).
The best way to use qarīb is by directly using the word of the thing you're talking about.
For example, to say "the hotel is near", you say: l-otil qarīb (الأوطيل قريب).
l-otil qarīb
l-otil qarīb
L-otil is “hotel” and qarīb is “near.”
Now let's take a look at the negative.
In Arabic, "It's not delicious" is haādšī maš binīn (هادشي مشي بنين).
haādšī maš binīn
Let’s break it down by syllable: haādšī maš binīn
haādšī maš binīn
The negation is formed by maš.
So to say “It’s not beautiful,” you just say: haādšī maš ǧamibl
haādšī maš ǧamibl
Cultural Insights
Moroccans are very expressive so when something is delicious please do say so to your host, or when you're offered something and you like it, just say so.


Okay, to close out today's lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for saying it aloud. You'll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so حظ سعيد, that means "good luck" in Arabic.
Ok, here we go!
"It’s delicious." - haādšī binīn
haādšī binīn
haādšī binīn
"It’s hot / spicy." - haādšī ḥaār
haādšī ḥaār
haādšī ḥaār
"It's hot. (weather)" - al-ṣṣahd
"It’s hot. (temperature)" - haādšī sḫuūn
haādšī sḫuūn
haādšī sḫuūn
"It’s beautiful." - haādšī ǧamibl
haādšī ǧamibl
haādšī ǧamibl
"It’s not beautiful." - haādšī maš ǧambl
haādšī maš ǧambl
haādšī maš ǧambl
All right. This is going to do it for this lesson of Arabic Survival Phrases. Remember to stop by ArabicPod101.com. There you’ll find an accompanying PDF, additional learning tools in the premium learning center, and other great Arabic language learning materials. See you soon, which in Arabic is - ilā al-liqāʾ.

