Lesson Transcript


Chigusa: What are the 3 language learning habits..
Peter: ...that you’ll learn on a plane?
Chigusa: Welcome to this episode of Innovative Language Learning Sunday News! I'm Chigusa and I'll be your host. My co-host today is the founder of InnovativeLanguage.com, Peter Galante!
Peter: Hi everyone! Peter here.
Chigusa: In this Sunday News, you’ll discover 3 powerful language learning habits:
Peter: 1) How to adjust to your environment
Chigusa: 2) How to take advantage of your limited time
Peter: And 3) How to have an on-off mindset
Chigusa: So you can learn language, anywhere you are... at home, on the train, or on a plane.
Peter: Listeners, we’ll get to this in just a second... but first, listen up.
Chigusa: If you want to master the language fast with our language learning program...
Peter: Here’s your last chance to get a big 35% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS...
Chigusa: ....with the Power Up Sale.
Peter: You get instant access to fast, easy lessons by real teachers...
Chigusa: ...that get you speaking from your very first lesson.
Peter: You go from learning your very first words...to mastering conversations.
Chigusa: You get Study Tools that help you master lessons faster...
Peter: ...mobile apps so you can learn on the go...
Chigusa: ...and with Premium PLUS, you get your very own teacher.
Peter: Get 35% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS.
Chigusa: Click the link in the comments section to take advantage right now...
Peter: ...and finally master and speak the language...
Chigusa: ...with real lessons by real teachers!
Peter: Get 35% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS until July 29th, 2019.
Chigusa: Okay, Peter, why.... the plane? Have you been flying recently?
Peter: I was. I went to South Korea. And the plane is an interesting place. It’s actually very motivating.
Chigusa: Really, why?
Peter: Well, picture this, Chigusa. You’re on a plane.
Chigusa: Okay.
Peter: You’re in your seat. The plane takes off. Rises up. The seat belt sign finally comes off. You stand up. You look around. What do you see?
Chigusa: Hmm, I see people sleeping, eating, watching TV... or going to the bathroom?
Peter: Exactly, Chigusa, think about it, this is actually a snapshot of what most people do in their free time. Eating. Sleeping, Watching TV. And the last part too.
Chigusa: Ah, that’s so true! But, what’s so motivational about that?
Peter: Good question. Well, if you take a closer look, there’s always 1 or 2 people who are hard at work. Who are focused on something. Laptops on. Typing away. All this going on around them but they’re locked in, laser-focused. I find that very motivational.
Chigusa: Ah, so while 99% of the people are sleeping or eating...?
Peter: ...there’s that hyperproductive few... they are hard at work.
Chigusa: And they’re working despite the fact that they’re in a cramped, crowded space.
Peter: So, there are powerful 3 lessons here. 3 habits that language learners can apply. Listeners, ready for the first one?
Chigusa: The first one is... Adjust to your environment.
Peter: Listeners, I think you’ll agree, the plane is NOT the best place to learn language.
Chigusa: Yeah, it’s dark, it’s cramped. You may have a crying baby next to you.
Peter: Bad flight, recently, Chigusa? But the point is, there’s never a perfect time or place to learn.
Chigusa: Yeah, trains get crowded. You can’t do much in your car.
Peter: Even in your own home, you’ll get distracted by the TV or Facebook or something.
Chigusa: And some days you’ll be sick. You’ll be tired. You’ll have dinner plans.
Peter: If you can accept this, you’ll stop waiting for “perfect” opportunities.
Chigusa: And you’ll make the best of your environment.
Peter: For example, if you’re on the train, you’re standing and can’t focus...
Chigusa: ...then use the Innovative Language 101 App.
Peter: Listen to the audio lessons. Or, do the word of the day by email.
Chigusa: These are quick and painless ways to learn... anywhere.
Peter: The point is... you have adjusted to your environment and made the best of it.
Chigusa: So, listeners, take a look at your own day and see where your time goes.
Peter: Is there any environment where you feel like you can’t learn?
Chigusa: See how you can adjust to it.
Peter: Ok next...
Chigusa: Two: Take advantage of your limited time
Peter: So, my last flight was 3 hours long. Now, when I fly, that time usually means movie time! Chigusa, what about you?
Chigusa: When I fly? It’s definitely movie time and sleep time.
Peter: What about commuting? When you take the train?
Chigusa: I just browse the internet on my iPhone.
Peter: So, I ask about time because... the number one reason why most people don’t learn a language...
Chigusa: ...ah, no time. Yeah, we’ve surveyed tons of learners over the years.
Peter: Every year, the answer’s the same. No time. But you’re on the train for 30 minutes...
Chigusa: Yeah, you kind of DO have time. So, what should you do?
Peter: If you’re commuting for 30 minutes, ask yourself:
Chigusa: “How can I put these next 30 minutes to use?”
Peter: If you finish work at 7PM and spend an hour doing nothing....
Chigusa: ...Ask yourself “what can I do in the next hour that will help me with my goals?”
Peter: You don’t have to use all 30 minutes or the full hour...
Chigusa: ...but you can definitely fit in a 5 minute lesson...
Peter: ...and take steps towards your goal. Okay, finally, you need the third habit:
Chigusa: Three: Have an on-and-off mindset.
Peter: So, Chigusa, I like to chat with the hyperproductive people I see on flights. Just to learn about their work-style. How they’re able to get things done on the plane.
Chigusa: And they’re not too busy to talk to you?
Peter: Well, sometimes I could be persuasive so they’re willing to talk! They usually say the same thing: “Forget the plane. Don’t wait. Start.”
Chigusa: Like, they just go into work mode without thinking about it?
Peter: Exactly. Like they just flipped a switch.
Chigusa: So listeners, as soon as you know what to do in the next 30 minutes...
Peter: ...Flip the switch. Dive into it. Don’t spend time thinking about it.
Chigusa: Yeah, don’t say “I’ll do it in 5 minutes.”
Peter: Don’t say “it’s 5:55, I’ll start at 6.” Stop thinking and get to work.
Chigusa: And when you’re done with a lesson?
Peter: Reward yourself... and more importantly, flip the switch off. Stop thinking about language. Walk away, You’re done.
Chigusa: So listeners, remember — Adjust to your environment, Take advantage of your limited time...
Peter: ....And Have an on-off mindset. And remember...
Chigusa: If you want to master the language fast with our language learning program...
Peter: Here’s your last chance to get a big 35% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS
Chigusa: with the Power Up Sale.
Peter: You get instant access to fast, easy lessons by real teachers...
Chigusa: ...that get you speaking from your very first lesson.
Peter: You go from learning your very first words...to mastering conversations.
Chigusa: You get Study Tools that help you master lessons faster...
Peter: ...mobile apps so you can learn on the go...
Chigusa: ...and with Premium PLUS, you get your very own teacher.
Peter: Get 35% OFF BaPremium and Premium PLUS.
Chigusa: Click the link in the comments section to take advantage right now...
Peter: ...and finally master and speak the language...
Chigusa: ...with real lessons by real teachers!
Peter: Get 35% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS until July 29th, 2019.


Chigusa: Well, that’s going to do it for this edition of Innovative Language Sunday news!*
Peter: Bye everyone!*
Chigusa: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you all next time.*

