
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hala: أهلاًً
Roland: Hi it’s Roland here! Newbie Season 2 , Lesson 8 - How Much per the Kilo?
Roland: Hello, and welcome to the Newbie Series S2 at ArabicPOD101.com, where we study Egyptian colloquial in a fun, educational format!
Hala: So, brush up on the Arabic that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Roland: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Hala, what are we looking at in this lesson.
Hala: this a continuation for the previous lesson, we are still at the fruit stand .
Roland: In this lesson you will learn how to ask for…
Hala: quantities and prices
Roland:This conversation takes place…
Hala: at the fruit stand
Roland: This conversation is between,,
Hala: A couple at the fruit seller
Hala: The speakers are not friends, but the situation is not formal, therefore the speakers will be speaking…
Hala: informal Egyptian Arabic
Hala: Listeners...I have a question...
Roland: A question?
Hala: Yep, I want to know when was the last time you commented?
Roland: Ahh, yes! Great question.
Hala: Stop by ArabicPOD101.com, leave us a comment or just say hi.
Roland: haha...okay, you heard Hala.
Roland: Let's listen to the conversation.
هالة : عايــزة كيلو تـــفـاح و إتــنـين كيلو موز، عـنــدك فــراولة و مانــجة ؟
الفــكـهاني : معــنــديش فــراولة دلوقتي ، لكن عــنــدي مانــجة.
رولاند: أنا عايــز مانــجة كــتير ، بــكام الكيلو ؟
الفــكـهاني : عــشان إنــت عايــز كــتير ، الكيلو ب 6 جنيه بــس.
هالة : ماشي ، عايــزين تــلاتـة كيلو مانــجة، كام الحساب؟
الفــكـهاني : مـاشي ، الحــساب سـتــة و تـلاتين جنيه.
رولاند : إتــفــضـل أربـعين.
الفــكـهاني ، شــكـراً ، و الباقي أربـعة جنيه.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
A: ʿāyza kīlū tūfāḥ wi itnīn kīlū mūz, ʿandak farāwla wi māngh?
B: maʿndīš farāwla dilwaʾtī, lakin ʿandī māngh.
C: anā ʿāyiz māngh kitīr,bikām il kīlū?
B: ʿašān, inta ʿāyiz kitīr, il kīlū bi 6 ginīh bas.
A: māšī. ʿāyizīn talāta kīlū māngh,kām il- ḥisāb?
B: māšī, il-ḥisāb sita we talātīn ginīh.
C: itfaḍal ʾrbiʿīn
B: šukran, wi il bāʾī ʾrbaʿh ginīh.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
هالة : عايــزة كيلو تـــفـاح و إتــنـين كيلو موز، عـنــدك فــراولة و مانــجة ؟
Roland: I want one kilo of apples, and two kilos of bananas. Do you have strawberries and mangoes?
الفــكـهاني : معــنــديش فــراولة دلوقتي ، لكن عــنــدي مانــجة.
Roland: I don’t have strawberries now, but I have mangoes.
رولاند: أنا عايــز مانــجة كــتير ، بــكام الكيلو ؟
Roland: I want a lot of mangoes. How much per kilo?
الفــكـهاني : عــشان إنــت عايــز كــتير ، الكيلو ب 6 جنيه بــس.
Roland: Because you want a lot, per kilo it’s only six pounds.
هالة : ماشي ، عايــزين تــلاتـة كيلو مانــجة، كام الحساب؟
Roland: OK. We want three kilos of mangoes. How much is the bill?
الفــكـهاني : مـاشي ، الحــساب سـتــة و تـلاتين جنيه.
Roland: OK, the bill is thirty-six pounds.
رولاند : إتــفــضـل أربـعين.
Roland: Here you are. Here’s forty pounds.
الفــكـهاني ، شــكـراً ، و الباقي أربـعة جنيه.
Roland: Thanks, and the rest is four pounds.
Hala: Now, in most cases, you may have to leave tips, only if you want,
Roland: but when you buy from the fruit stand or a man in the street, its different, so no tips should be paid,
Hala: its a quick service, and the man will charge you what he thinks is OK for him!
Roland: And be sure not to overpay.
Hala: have you ever bought fruit from someone on the street?
Roland: Sure, All the time.
Hala: How is the fruit?
Roland: It was excellent, very fresh and really tasty.
Hala: And the price?
Roland: It was good I think. The first time I bought apples i was rapped off, but after that I learned. To battle down the price to be a reasonable amount.
Hala: Is there some fruit the listeners should try when in Egypt?
Roland: I would recommend guavas, The bananas, especially the dates, and the watermelons I suppose as well is very nice.
Roland: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Hala: فراولة [natural native speed]
Roland: strawberry
Hala: فراولة [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: فراولة [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: مانجة [natural native speed]
Roland: mango
Hala: مانجة [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: مانجة [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: الباقي [natural native speed]
Roland: the rest / change money
Hala: الباقي [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: الباقي [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: الحـساب [natural native speed]
Roland: the check / the bill
Hala: الحـساب [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: الحـساب [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: بــ [natural native speed]
Roland: for money or by transportation
Hala: بــ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: بــ [natural native speed]
Roland: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Hala: The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Hala: معـَـنـْـديش فـَـراوْلة دلوقتي ، لكن عـَـنـْـدي مانـْـجة
Roland: i don't have ...., but I have .....
Hala: this is a common way, to say what you don't have first , followed by what is there,
Roland: And this is a good way to get the other person’s attention and focus. and Next we have
Hala: عـَـشان إنـْـت عايــِز كـِـتير ، الكيلو ب 6 جنيه بـَـس
Roland: here the word "because" was used at the beginning, to give the same effect or getting the other person’s attention, followed by the rest which is the important part. Translated literally it means "because you want a lot, the kilo is for 6 pounds only.
although we could say "the kilo is for 6 pounds only,because you want a lot”, but it is more emphatic to start with “because you want a lot”, and then finish with what you want to say.
So let’s move on to the grammar focus of this lesson

Lesson focus

Hala: The focus of this lesson is “I want.” عايــِز مانـْـجة "I want mango"
Roland: using “I want” followed by something is very important as we all know
Hala: this form is called the participle, and it's derived from the verb, but treated as an adjective
Roland: This is why you will only find it in 3 forms "masculine", "feminine" and "plural".
Hala: the feminine form is "عايــْزة" , and the plural form is عايـْـزين. if you remember when we took an adjective before, “expensive” it was غالي, غالية ,غالين
So masculine remains the same, to make it feminine we add the ah at the end, and to make it plural we add īn sound at the end.
Roland: Let's look at You have - masculine" which is عندك.
Hala: in the previous lessons, we covered "I have, you have, feminine”, and that was
Roland: Which means “I have”
Hala: عندِك
Roland: Which is “You have -feminine”
Hala: Now, to make it "you have - masculine", we will simply change the ending to the sound "ak" instead of "ī or īk". So instead of عندي عندِك, it will be عندَك .
Roland: do you remember how to say "do you have", or "you don't have" ?


Roland: That just about does it for today.
Roland: Premium members, use the review track to perfect your pronunciation.
Hala: Available in the premium section of the website,
Roland: the learning center
Hala: and through iTunes via the premium feed,
Roland: the Review Track gives you vocabulary and phrases followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud.
Hala: The best way to get good fast!
Roland: Okay..
Roland: مع سلامة
Hala: مع سلامة

