
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Munia: مرحبا Munia here. Newbie Series Lesson 9 - “Who’s in the picture?” Hello and welcome to the ArabicPod101.com the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Arabic.
Shama: Here at ArabicPod101.com we’re all about giving you a fun and fast way to start speaking Arabic. Thanks again for being here with us for this lesson newbie series.
Munia: And we hope you’re ready to have some fun with Arabic. Shama, تبدين غضبانة، ما الأمر؟
Munia: You look sad. What’s the matter?
Shama: بلى أنا سعيدة. Not at all, I’m quite happy.
Munia: Sorry, I was just practicing what we learned in the previous lesson. But you’re right, تبدين سعيدة , you look happy.
Shama: As a quick reminder, we also learned فقدت مفاتيحي, “I lost my keys”.
Munia: What about today? What are we going to cover?
Shama: Today’s lesson is the first of the series introducing family members or العائلة.
Munia: Are there that many family members that we need to divide them into different lessons?
Shama: Yes, Arabic has separate terms for family members on the father’s side and the mother’s side of the family. Today we’re going to focus on the paternal family.
Munia: I see. The conversation is between two friends, Hind and Leila, who are going over some pictures.
Shama: They will be speaking informal Arabic. Premium members, use the Review Track to perfect your pronunciation.
Munia: Available in the Premium section of the website, the Learning Center and through iTunes via the Premium Feed, the Review Track gives you vocabulary and phrases, followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud.
Shama: One of the keys to fluency fast.
Munia: Ok, let’s jump right in.
Shama: من في الصّورة؟
Munia: هذا أبي، عمّي و عمّتي
Shama: و من هذه؟
Munia: ابنة عمّتي
Munia: One time, slow.
Shama: مَنْ فِي الصُّورَة؟
Munia: هَذَا أَبِي، عَمِّي وَ عَمَّتِي
Shama: وَ مَنْ هَذِهْ؟
Munia: ابْنَةُ عَمَّتِي
Munia: Now, with the transition,
Shama: من في الصّورة؟ Who’s in the picture?
F1: هذا أبي، عمّي و عمّتي This is my dad, my uncle and my aunt.
F2: و من هذه؟ And who is this?
F1: ابنة عمّتي That’s my cousin.
Munia: This is such an important conversation. I cannot believe we haven’t covered this before.
Shama: Yes, family, العائلة, and family values are very important in Arab culture.
Munia: By saying عائلة we mean here the extended family, the uncles, the cousins, the aunts and not just the أسرة or the nuclear family.
Shama: In general, the extended family plays a somewhat bigger role in Arab society than in Western societies. Family members visit each other very often, in many cases at least once a week.
Munia: Growing up, I spent my free afternoons and weekends at my grandparents, where everybody met about twice a week, that for me the notion of عائلة is hardly limited to mom and dad.
Shama: In my family and up to now, it is still accustomed that my brothers and sister and my cousins gather on Friday at my parents’ and we share a big dish of كسكس together.
Munia: What if you can’t?
Shama: You work your schedule around it.
Munia: Wow. And family values?
Shama: A faithful marriage and a focus on raising happy and healthy children.
Munia: And Arabs expect that these values are shared among all members of society.
Munia: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases for this lesson.
Shama: The first words we’ll look at are عمّ and عمّة.
Munia: Paternal uncle and aunt.
Shama: In the conversation, Leila says هذا عمّي, which means “this is my uncle” referring to her dad’s brother. The same thing for عمّتي, “my aunt”, referring to her dad’s sister.
Munia: The words عمّ and عمّة may be used to address distant relatives and in-laws, as well as terms of respect for older people outside the family circle.
Shama: For example, a man who marries into the family may be addressed by younger members of the family as عمّي.
Munia: A mother in law and a distant female relative may be called عمّتي.
Shama: Now let’s move on to the Arabic word for “cousin” which is ابنة عمّتي in the dialogue.
Munia: Literally ابنة means “daughter”, and عمّتي is “my aunt”. So together ابنة عمّتي literally means “daughter of my aunt”. Note that ابنة is written with a ت مربوطة at the end. I don’t pronounce it when I speak, but when I follow it with عمّتي, I pronounce the grammatical ending of the word ابنة.
Shama: So that’s how we say “cousin” in Arabic. We say “daughter or son of my uncle or aunt”.
Munia: For example, ابنة عمّي “The daughter of my uncle.”
Shama: Son means ابن عمّي . ابن “the son of an uncle” or ابن عمّتي , “the son of an aunt”.
Munia: See, there are four ways just to say paternal cousin and there will be four more in the next lesson when we talk about the mother’s side.

Lesson focus

Munia: As we saw, Arabic has very specific terms to refer to members of the family. In the dialogue, we have learned four of them already, and from them we’re going to branch out the rest.
Shama: عمّ “Uncle”.
Munia: ابن عمّ “Cousin, the son of an uncle”.
Shama: ابنة عمّ “Cousin, the daughter of an uncle”.
Munia: زوجة عمّ “The wife of an uncle”. زوجة means “wife”. Note again how I pronounce the grammatical ending ة when this one is followed by a noun.
Shama: Now عمّة, “aunt”, same thing.
Munia: ابن عمّة “Cousin, the son of an aunt”.
Shama: ابنة عمّة “Cousin, daughter of an aunt”.
Munia: And زوج عمّة, “the husband of an aunt”. زوج means “husband”. Now, to say “my uncle” or “my aunt”, we add the possessive suffix ي to the word. Or if it’s a construct phrase such as ابن عمّ, we add the same possessive suffix ي to the final word. Let’s look at a few examples.
Shama: عمّ “Uncle”. عمّي “My uncle”.
Munia: عمّة “Aunt”. عمّتي “My aunt”. Again, عمّة ends with a silent ة that becomes non-silent when followed by a suffix or a word.
Shama: Now, let’s try with the construct phrases. ابن عمّ “Cousin”. ابن عمّي “My cousin”.
Munia: And last ابنة عمّتي ــــ ابنة عمّة.
Munia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Shama: أسرة
Munia: Family.
Shama: أُسْرَة
Munia: عائلة
Shama: Extended family.
Munia: عَائِلَة
Shama: أب
Munia: Father.
Shama: أَبْ
Munia: عمّ
Shama: Paternal uncle.
Munia: عَمّْ
Shama: عمّة
Munia: Paternal aunt.
Shama: عَمَّة
Munia: ابن عمّ
Shama: Cousin, male, paternal.
Munia: ابْنْ عَمّْ
Shama: ابنة عمّ
Munia: Cousin, female, paternal.
Shama: ابْنَةُ عَمّْ
Munia: زوجة
Shama: Wife.
Munia: زَوْجَة
Shama: زوج
Munia: Husband.
Shama: زَوْجْ
Munia: الصّورة
Shama: The picture.
Munia: الصُّورَة
Shama: هذا عمّي
Munia: This is my uncle.
Shama: هَذَا عَمِّي
Munia: هذه عمّتي
Shama: This is my aunt.
Munia: هَذِهِ عَمَّتِي. That just about does it for today.


Munia: Reinforce what we’ve learned by using the flash cards in the Learning Center.
Shama: There’s a reason we have all used flashcards at some point in our studies. The bottom line is they work.
Munia: They really do help memorization and that is why we have made them part of the core curriculum in ArabicPod101.com
Shama: O.K. إلى اللّقاء
Munia: good bye.

Audio - Moroccan

Review Track

