
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Shama: صباح الخير
Munia: صباح الخير Munia here. Newbie Series Lesson 8 - “You look sad. What happened?” Hi, my name is Munia and I’m joined here by Shama. أهلا
Shama: أهلا و سهلا Hello everyone and welcome back to ArabicPod101.com. With us, you learn to speak Arabic like native. We also provide you with cultural insights and tips you won’t find in a text book.
Munia: Last time we learned how to express some emotions and say “I’m hungry.”
Shama: أنا جائعة
Munia: “I’m thirsty.”
Shama: أنا عطشانة
Munia: “I’m tired”.
Shama: أنا متعبة
Munia: And “I’m sleepy.”
Shama: أنا نعسانة
Munia: We also learned how to say “Let’s look for something”. For example, لنبحث عن مقهى . “Let’s look for a coffee shop”.
Shama: Today we carry on with emotions and introduce new words to help you express how you feel.
Munia: This time, rather than making basic sentences that begin with “I am” plus adjective, such as “I’m tired” or “I’m happy”, we’re going to learn how to say “You look happy”.
Shama: It’s getting interesting.
Munia: Yes, and we’ll also learn how to say “I lost my watch” or “I lost my way”.
Shama: Yeah, I can see that happen to you. The conversation is between two friends, Nadia and Hind.
Munia: They will be speaking in formal Arabic. Drastically improve your pronunciation with the voice recording tool in the Premium Learning Center. Record your voice with the click of a button and play back what you record just as easily. This tool is the perfect complement to the line by line audio. Let’s listen to today’s conversation.
Nadia: تبدين حزينة، ما الأمر؟
Hind: فقدت ساعتي
Nadia: لنبحث عنها
Munia: One time, slowly.
Nadia: تَبْدِينَ حَزِينَة، مَا الأَمْرْ؟
Hind: فَقَدْتُ سَاعَتِي
Nadia: لِنَبْحَثْ عَنْهَا
Munia: This time, with the translation.
Nadia: تبدين حزينة، ما الأمر؟ You look sad. What’s the matter?
Hind: فقدت ساعتي I lost my watch.
Nadia: لنبحث عنها Let’s look for it.
Munia: Poor Hind. How easy is it among people in Arab countries to express emotion?
Shama: I think people express emotions all the time, a bit excessively sometimes.
Munia: So let’s say if one were to walk in the streets of Morocco, for example. What would he or she notice?
Shama: Angry taxi drivers shouting at the traffic lights? Friends hugging and kissing cheeks in the middle of the street? What else… shop assistants standing outside their shops laughing out loud?
Munia: I see. So people are quite emotional and they do not tend to hide it. And is that considered acceptable?
Shama: I think so, yeah.
Munia: At the workplace as well?
Shama: So if your boss is having a bad day, you’re having a bad day too.
Shama: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. تبدين حزينة “You look sad” say to a woman. تَبْدِينَ حَزِينَة
Munia: تبدو حزينا
Shama: “You look sad”, said to a man.
Munia: تَبْدُو حَزِينًا.
Shama: سعيدة
Munia: “Happy” in the feminine form.
Shama: سَعِيدَة
Munia: سعيد
Shama: “Happy”, in the masculine form.
Munia: سَعِيدْ
Shama: ما الأمر؟
Munia: What’s the matter?
Shama: مَا الأَمْرْ؟
Munia: فقدت
Shama: I lost.
Munia: فَقَدْتُ
Shama: ساعة
Munia: A watch.
Shama: سَاعَة
Munia: ساعتي
Shama: My watch.
Munia: سَاعَتِي
Shama: حقيبتي
Munia: My bag.
Shama: حَقِيبَتِي
Munia: مفاتيحي
Shama: My keys.
Munia: مَفَاتِيحِي
Shama: جواز سفري
Munia: My passport.
Shama: جَوَازُ سَفَِري
Munia: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases.
Shama: The first word we’ll look at is تبدين.
Munia: Literally means “you look” when addressing a woman.
Shama: Its equivalent in the masculine form is تبدو.
Munia: “You look”, when addressing a man.
Shama: For example, تبدو حزينا.
Munia: “You look sad.” حزينا is the masculine form of the word sad. تَبْدُو حَزِينًا Let’s look at another example. “You look happy:” when addressing a woman. تبدين . تبدين سعيدة means “you look”. سعيدة is the feminine form of the word “happy”. What about talking to a man? What do we say, Shama?
Shama: تبدو .تبدو سعيدا means “you look”, سعيدا means “happy”, when addressing a man.
Munia: The second phrase we would like to look at today is لنبحث عنها . Last time, we learned لنبحث عن مقهى. The first word لنبحث means “to look for”. The suffix ها means “it”, in the feminine form. لنبحث عنها
Shama: If what you’re looking for is masculine, you say لنبحث عنه.
Munia: Let’s look at some examples.
Munia: فقدت جواز سفري
Shama: لنبحث عنه
Munia: I lost my passport.
Shama: Let’s look for it.
Munia: The last thing we would like to focus on today is ما الأمر؟.
Shama: “What’s the matter?”
Munia: For example. Shama, تبدين حزينة، ما الأمر؟.
Shama: فقدت مفاتيحي
Munia: I’ve just asked Shama, “You look sad. What’s the matter?” She said, “I lost my keys”.
Shama: Munia, تبدين متعبة، ما الأمر؟
Munia: أنا جائعة
Shama: And I’ve just asked Munia, “You look tired, What’s the matter?” And she answered that se was hungry.

Lesson focus

Munia: Today we would like to cover the phrase “I lost my watch”.
Shama: فقدت ساعتي
Munia: The first word فقدت means “I lost” and it comes from the verb فقد which is “to lose”.
Shama: فقدت can be used by men and women alike. It’s conjugated the same.
Munia: The next word, ساعتي means “my watch”.
Shama: Let’s see how we can make the possessive form of a noun.
Munia: That’s simple. We add the sound إِي to the end of the word. For example. ساعتي ــــ ساعة Note how we pronounce the ت مربوطة at the end of the word ساعة , which is not pronounced otherwise. Let’s take a look at a different example. حقيبة means “bag”. حقيبتي means “my bag”.
Shama: صديقة means “friend”. صديقتي is “my friend”.
Munia: صديق means “friend” in the masculine form. صديقي means “my friend”. لنبحث عن صديقي “Let’s look for my friend.”
Shama: One last example. Pen in Arabic is قلم. “My pan” is فقدت قلمي . قلمي
Munia: لنبحث عنه
Shama: I lost my pen.
Munia: Let’s look for it.
Munia: That just about does it for today.


Munia: Drastically improve your pronunciation with the voice recording tool in the Premium Learning Center. Record your voice with the click of a button and play back what you record just as easily. This tool is the perfect complement to the line by line audio. إلى اللّقاء، مع السّلامة.

Audio - Moroccan

Review Track

