
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Shama: مرحبا It’s me, Shama.
Munia: Munia here. Newbie Series Lesson 6.
Shama: “What do you do here?”
Munia: Hi, my name is Munia and I’m joined here by Shama. مساء الخير شاما. كيف حالك؟
Shama: أنا بخير I am fine. Hello everyone and welcome back to ArabicPod101.com.
Munia: Last time we learned country names and how to ask where someone is from.
Shama: Let’s take as an example our sound engineer for today. من أيّ بلد هي؟
Munia: هي من فرنسا Today we’re going to take you a step further into learning more about the people you meet and revealing just a little bit more about you.
Shama: The focus of this lesson is how to ask someone “What do you do?” and how to answer it.
Munia: We’ll learn to say things such as “I work here. I study history.” Or “I’m a tourist”.
Shama: The conversation is between Nur and Tzu, a person from a foreign country whom she meets for the first time.
Munia: They will be speaking casual, polite Arabic. Drastically improve your pronunciation with the voice recording tool in the Premium Learning Center. Record your voice with the click of a button and play back what you record just as easily. This tool is the perfect complement to the line by line audio.
Shama: Let’s listen to today’s conversation.
Nur: أهلا، ماذا تفعلين هنا؟
Tzu: أنا طالبة
Nur: ماذا تدرسين؟
Tzu: أدرس الكيمياء
Munia: One time, slowly.
Nur: أَهْلاً، مَاذَا تَفْعَلِينَ هُنَا؟
Tzu: أَنَا طَالِبَة
Nur: ماَذَا تَدْرُسِينْ؟
Tzu: أَدْرُسُ الكِيمْيَاءْ
Munia: Now, with the translation.
Nur: أهلا، ماذا تفعلين هنا؟ Hi. What do you do here?
Tzu: أنا طالبة I am a student.
Nur: ماذا تدرسين؟ What do you study?
Tzu: أدرس الكيمياء I study chemistry.
Shama: I like chemistry.
Munia: I used to enjoy doing all the experiments, but wasn’t fond of the formulas.
Shama: Did you actually know that the word ‘chemistry’ comes from the Arabic word كيمياء ?
Munia: Chemistry and كيمياء . Oh, I see the resemblance, yeah. There’re actually plenty of Arabic loaned words in English. Can you think of another one?
Shama: Well, the obvious ones like ‘zero’ comes from the Arabic صفر, and “algebra” from الجبر.
Munia: That’s right. This shows the influence of Arabic culture on Middle Age Europe. My favorite Arabic loan words are the ones that you suspect the least.
Shama: Try me?
Munia: Giraffe.
Shama: No… Really?
Munia: What’s “giraffe” in Arabic?”
Shama: زرافة. Oh, you’re right. Tell me more.
Munia: Cotton.
Shama: I can see that. قطن in Arabic.
Munia: And the word “safari”.
Shama: Oh, the word سفر which means “travel” or “trip”.
Munia: That’s right.
Munia: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Shama: The first phrase we’ll look at is أدرس الكيمياء . “I study chemistry.”
Munia: The first word أدرس is a conjugated form of the verb درس, “to study”. أدرس means “I study”.
Shama: In the dialogue, Tzu studies chemistry. تزو تدرس الكيمياء What if you want to replace “chemistry” with another subject? For example, “I study Arabic.”
Munia: أدرس العربيّة
Shama: What about “I study history”?
Munia: أدرس التّاريخ
Shama: التّاريخ means “history”.
Munia: Now let’s try to say “I study literature”.
Shama: The word for “literature” is الآداب.
أدرس الآداب is “I study literature”.
Munia: Now, what if you’re not a student and somebody asks you ماذا تفعلين هنا؟?
Shama: You can answer with أنا أعمل هنا .
Munia: “I work here.” Let’s hear it once more.
Shama: أَنَا أَعْمَلُ هُنَا

Lesson focus

Munia: There are two things we’d like to focus on today. First, how to make basic sentences starting with “I am” plus a profession.
Shama: This is quite simple since you don’t need the verb “to be” to make your sentence. أنا طالبة
Munia: Literally “I, student” as said by a woman. We’ve learned the masculine form in a previous lesson which is أنا طالب.
Shama: To make professions in the feminine form, we add ة which is the sound أَ to the end of the words. For example, طالب.
Munia: “Student” in the masculine form.
Shama: And طالبة.
Munia: “Student” in the feminine form.
Shama: مدرّس
Munia: “Teacher”, masculine.
Shama: مدرّسة
Munia: “Teacher”, feminine.
Shama: ماذا تفعلين هنا؟
Munia: أنا مدرّسة . But what if I’m a tourist?
Shama: Then you say أنا سائحة or أنا سائح , if you’re a man.
Munia: Verbs are also conjugated differently depending on whether you’re addressing a man or a woman.
Shama: For example, ماذا تفعلين هنا؟ ,
تفعلين “you do” when said to a woman. Comes from the verb فعل, “to do”.
Munia: فعل and درس have the same [*], which means they belong to the same verb group and therefore are conjugated in the same way.
Shama: أدرس
Munia: “I study.”
Shama: أفعل
Munia: “I do.”
Shama: تدرس
Munia: “You study” – say to a man.
Shama: تفعل
Munia: “You do” – say to a man.
Shama: تدرسين
Munia: “You study” – say to a woman.
Shama: تفعلين
Munia: “You do” – say to a woman.
Shama: With these verbs we’ve just learned, you can ask “What do you do here?” and “What do you study?”, whether you’re speaking to a man or to a woman.
Munia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Shama: ماذا
Munia: What.
Shama: ماَذَا
Munia: تفعلين
Shama: “You do”, when talking to a woman,
Munia: تَفْعَلِينْ
Munia: “You do”, when talking to a man.
Shama: تَفْعَلُ
Munia: ماذا تفعلين هنا؟
Shama: “What do you do here?” said to a woman.
Munia: مَاذَا تَفْعَلِينَ هُنَا؟
Shama: أدرس .
Munia: I study.
Shama: أعمل هنا
Munia: I work here.
Shama:أَعْمَلُ هُنَا
Munia: سائح
Shama: “Tourist”, in the masculine form.
Munia: سَائِحْ
Shama: سائحة
Munia: “Tourist”, in the feminine form. سَائِحَة
Shama: مدرّسة “Teacher”, feminine.
Munia: مُدَرِّسَة
Shama: مدرّس
Munia: “Teacher”, in the masculine form.
Shama: مُدَرِّسْ
Munia: الكيمياء
Shama: Chemistry.
Munia: الكِيمْيَاءْ
Shama: الآداب
Munia: Literature.
Shama: الآدَابْ
Munia: التّاريخ
Shama: History.
Munia: التَّارِيخْ. That just about does it for today.


Munia: Reinforce what you’ve learned by using the flash cards in the Learning Center. There is a reason we have all used flash cards at some point in our studies. The bottom line is they work. At ArabicPod101.com we understand this and offer flash cards for all levels of your study. O.K. Until next time. All right إلى اللّقاء

Audio - Moroccan

Review Track

