
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Shama: مرحبا، اسمي Shama.
Munia: و أنا, Munia. Newbie Series Lesson 5 - “Where is he from? Where is she from?” Hello and welcome to this lesson of Arabic Newbie Series at ArabicPod101.com. I’m Munia and today I’m joined here by Shama. مساء الخير شاما
Shama: مساء الخير منية This series focuses on the basics for everyone starting out in the learning process of the Arabic language.
Munia: In addition to covering grammar and vocabulary, we also provide you with cultural insights and tips you won’t find in a text book.
Shama: Last time we looked at the verb “to look for” and learned how to say “I am looking for something” and “we are looking for someone”. Munia, can you refresh our memory a little bit?
Munia: Sure. نحن نبحث عن علي. “We’re looking for Ali.” We also learned how to say أنا أبحث عن حقيبتي “I’m looking for my bag”.
Shama: We also learned how to ask a group of people “Who are you?”, and in Arabic that’s من أنتم؟.
Munia: Ok. What about today? What are we going to learn?
Shama: Today we’re going to learn how to ask “Where is he from?” and “Where is she from?”
Munia: We’ll also cover how to answer these questions and say “he is or she is from a country”. We’ll provide you with a long list of countries to choose from.
Shama: And the conversation in between two friends, Amina and Hind. They will be speaking casual, polite Arabic.
Munia: Alright. Let’s get into today’s conversation. Be sure to use the line by line audio in the Learning Center. The conversations are broken down into comprehensible, bite-sized sentences you can listen to at your own convenience. Simply click on the flash button and listen to recordings of native Arabic again and again until every word and syllable becomes clear. The perfect complement to the voice recording tool.
Hind: هي من ايطا
Amina: من أيّ بلد هي؟
Amina: من أيّ بلد هو؟
Hind: هو من انقلترا
Munia: One time slowly.
Amina: مِنْ أَيّْ بَلَدٍ هِيَ؟
Hind: هِيَ مِنْ ايطَالِيَا
Amina: مِنْ أَيّْ بَلَدٍ هُوَ؟
Hind: هُوَ مِنْ إنقْلَتِرَا
Munia: Now, with the translation.
Amina: من أيّ بلد هي؟ What country is she from?
Hind: هي من ايطاليا She’s from Italy.
Amina: من أيّ بلد هو؟ What country is he from?
Hind: هو من انقلترا He is from England.
Munia: What do you think about today’s dialogue, Shama?
Shama: Easy to understand and easy to use.
Munia: How so?
Shama: Well, first of all, there are no verbs at all, which means that the grammar used in the sentences is very simple. We don’t have to worry about the conjugation or masculine and feminine forms today.
Munia: I’m sure our listeners are thrilled today. But it’s really interesting how much one can speak so much Arabic without the use of a single word. We’ll go into more details in the grammar section when we break out the sentences and explain to you the usage of each word.
Munia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary used for this lesson.
Shama: من
Munia: From.
Shama: مِنْ
Munia: هي
Shama: She.
Munia: هِيَ
Shama: هو
Munia: He.
Shama: هُوَ
Munia: بلد
Shama: Country.
Munia: بَلَدْ
Shama: ايطاليا
Munia: Italy.
Shama: ايطَالِيَا
Munia: انقلترا
Shama: England.
Munia: إنقْلَتِرَا
Shama: اليابان
Munia: Japan.
Shama: اليَابَانْ
Munia: ألمانيا
Shama: Germany.
Munia: أَلْمَانْيَا
Shama: النّرويج
Munia: Norway.
Shama: النَّرْوِيجْ
Munia: إسبانيا
Shama: Spain.
Munia: إِسْبَانْيَا
Shama: روسيا
Munia: Russia.
Shama: رُوسْيَا
Munia: المغرب
Shama: Morocco.
Munia: المَغْرِبْ
Shama: مصر
Munia: Egypt.
Shama: مِصْرْ
Munia: الأردن
Shama: Jordan.
Munia: الأُرْدُنْ
Shama: السّعوديّة
Munia: Saudi Arabia.
Shama: السَّعُودِيَّة
Munia: فرنسا
Shama: France.
Munia: فَرَنْسَا
Shama: كوريا
Munia: Korea.
Shama: كُورْيَا
Munia: Now, let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words used in the dialogue. The first word we will look at is هو.
Shama: And it means “he”. In the dialogue, هو من انقلترا. Literally, “he from England” or “He’s from England”. We can make many sentences starting with هو and followed by a noun or an adjective. For example, هو Ahmed.
Munia: “He is Ahmed.”
Shama: هو, Ali.
Munia: “He is Ali.” Note the absence of a verb in the sentences.
Shama: Next, let’s look at هي.
Munia: And it means “she”. For example, هي ليلى
Shama: “She is Leila.”
Munia: Or هي من إيطاليا
Shama: “She’s from Italy.”
Munia: Now, can you try to day “She’s my friend.”?
Shama: هي صديقتي
Munia: The last word we’d like to talk about today is بلد
Shama: Country.
Munia: The plural form of بلد is بُلْدَانْ . Can you give us an example of a بلد عربي , an Arab country?
Shama: لبنان
Shama: Lebanon.
Munia: While we’re at it, what’s the word for “city”?
Shama: مدينة
Munia: Can you give us an example of a مدينة أوروبّية , European city?
Shama: Aha.روما , Rome.
Munia: And Rome is also the capital city of Italy, which in Arabic is عَاصِمَة .

Lesson focus

Munia: Let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar use in this lesson. We will cover the usage of هو من انقلترا , “He is from England”. The first wordهو means…
Shama: He.
Munia: The second word من means…
Shama: From.
Munia: The last word انقلترا is…
Shama: England.
Munia: Literally, هو من انقلترا means “He from England.”
Shama: We can replace the word انقلترا with other country names. Can you give us an example, Munia?
Munia: Sure. هو من اليابان
Shama: “He is from Japan.”
Munia: هو من ألمانيا
Shama: “He is from Germany.”
Munia: هو من مصر
Shama: “He is from Egypt.”
Munia: The feminine form of the pronoun هو is هي. In the dialogue, هي من ايطاليا means…
Shama: “She is from Italy.”
Munia: We can again replace ايطاليا with other country names and make up new sentences. Let’s look at a few examples.
Shama: هي من فرنسا
Munia: “She’s from France.”
Shama: هي من المغرب
Munia: “She’s from Morocco.” Now, let’s do some practice to help you retain what we learned today.
Shama: The best way to learn and to retain is through repetition.
Munia: Alright, let’s try. هي من انقلترا
Shama: “She is from England.”
Munia: هو من مصر
Shama: “He is from Egypt.”
Munia: هي من ألمانيا
Shama: “She is from Germany.”
Munia: هو من كوريا
Shama: “He is from Korea.”
Munia: That just about wraps things up for today.


Munia: Don’t forget to try out the Arabic review in the Learning Center where you’ll find test questions, answers and comments on the answers. It’s a great…

