
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Mehdi: مساء الخير
Munia: Munia here. Newbie Series Lesson 4 - “Who are you all?” Hello and welcome to the ArabicPod101.com, where we study modern Arabic in a fun, educational format.
Mehdi: So brush up on the Arabic that you started learning long ago or start learning today. And join us for this lesson of ArabicPod101.com.
Munia: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Last time we looked at basic self-introduction. We learned how to ask someone “What’s your name” and how to answer it.
Mehdi: The focus of this lesson is to try to find someone or something you’ve lost.
Munia: Together we will learn how to say things such as “I’m looking for my friend” or “I’m looking for my purse”. Also, we will learn how to ask a group of people “Who are you?”
Mehdi: This conversation takes place at a party.
Munia: Bob and his friends from New York are looking for Ali. Good thing Leila is there to help them.
Mehdi: They will be speaking casual Arabic.
Munia: Drastically improve your pronunciation with the voice recording tool in the Premium Learning Center. Record your voice with the click of a button and play back what you record just as easily. This tool is the perfect complement to the line by line audio. Now, let’s listen to today’s conversation.
Bob: عفوا، نحن نبحث عن علي
Leila: إنّه هناك. من أنتم؟
Bob: نحن أصدقاؤه من نيويورك.
Munia: Once again. This time slowly.
Bob: عَفْوًا، نَحْنُ نَبْحَثُ عَنْ عَلِي
Leila: إِنَّهُ هُنَاكْ. مَنْ أَنْتُمْ؟
Bob: نَحْنُ أَصْدِقَاؤُهْ مِنْ نْيُويُورْكْ
Munia: This time, with the translation.
Bob: عفوا، نحن نبحث عن علي
Munia: Excuse me, we’re looking for Ali.
Leila: إنّه هناك. من أنتم؟
Munia: Oh, he’s over there. Who are you all?
Bob: نحن أصدقاؤه من نيويورك
Munia: We’re his friends from New York.
Munia: Just like Bob in this conversation, speaking some Arabic can help you find you friend.
Mehdi: And a good way to avoid taking someone by surprise is to say عفوا when you first approach them.
Munia: That’s right. عفوا or “Excuse me” is an important expression you should use when you’re about to ask someone you don’t know some information. Especially like in Bob’s case, if you’re a foreigner, people will be a little more surprised if you start talking to them terrific Arabic without any warning.
Mehdi: So saying عفوا sort of prepares them to what you are about to say, all in Arabic.
Munia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. عفوا
Mehdi: Excuse me.
Munia: عَفْوًا
Munia: نحن
Mehdi: We.
Munia: نَحْنُ
Munia: أنتم
Mehdi: You.
Munia: أَنْتُمْ
Munia: نبحث
Mehdi: We’re looking for.
Munia: نَبْحَثُ
Munia: أبحث
Mehdi: I’m looking for.
Munia: أَبْحَثُ
Munia: بحث
Mehdi: To look for.
Munia: بَحَثَ
Munia: إنّه
Mehdi: He is.
Munia: إِنَّهُ
Munia: هناك
Mehdi: There.
Munia: هُنَاكْ
Munia: من
Mehdi: Who.
Munia: مَنْ
Munia: أصدقاؤه
Mehdi: His friends.
Munia: أَصْدِقَاؤُهْ
Munia: نبحث عن علي
Mehdi: We’re looking for Ali.
Munia: نَبْحَثُ عَنْ عَلِي
Munia: نبحث عن المحطّة
Mehdi: We’re looking for the station.
Munia: نَبْحَثُ عَنِ المَحَطَّة
Munia: أبحث عن حقيبتي
Mehdi: I’m looking for my bag.
Munia: أَبْحَثُ عَنْ حَقِيبَتِي
Munia: من أنتم؟
Mehdi: Who are you? – in the plural form.
Munia: مَنْ أَنْتُمْ؟
Munia: Let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Mehdi: The first word we’ll look at is عفوا.
Munia: عفوا is a very useful expression that means “excuse me” and also “sorry”. You can use it in a variety of context such as when you want to ask someone information, when you want to call the wait staff or when you bump into someone and you want to apologize, you simply say عفوا
Mehdi: Next, let’s look at the phrase نحن أصدقاؤه من نيويورك . It literally means “We’re his friends from New York”.
Munia: The word أصدقاؤه means “his friends”, and if you take it out of the sentence, it becomes نحن من “New York”. The first word, نحن , means…
Mehdi: We.
Munia: The second word من is…
Mehdi: From.
Munia: نحن من New York. You could replace New York with other cities and even countries and say…
Mehdi: نحن من مصر
Munia: We’re from Egypt.
Mehdi: Or نحن من فرنسا
Munia: We’re from France. We learned in a previous lesson that the pronoun “I” is أنا in Arabic. All you have to do now is replace نحن with أنا and say where you’re from. Mehdi, can you give us an example, please?
Mehdi: Sure. أنا من الدّار البيضاء
Munia: I’m from Casa Blanca.
Mehdi: The last word we would like to look at is من
Munia: It means “who”. In the dialogue, من أنتم؟ literally means “who you all” or “who are you all?”. It is very common in Arabic to see entire phrases and sentences with no verbs at all.
Mehdi: You can also say من أَنْتْ؟
Munia: Who are you? – when addressing a man.
Mehdi: من أَنْتِ؟
Munia: Who are you? - when addressing a woman.

Lesson focus

Mehdi: Grammar point.
Munia: Today, we would like to show you how to use the verb “to look for” to make sentences in the present continuous.
Mehdi: The verb “to look for” in Arabic is بحث
Munia: Let’s see where this appears in the conversation. The first line, نحن نبحث عن علي
Mehdi: We’re looking for Ali.
Munia: نحن is the pronoun “we”. It is followed by نبحث , which is a conjugated for بحث , that means “are looking for”. Together, نحن نبحث means “we’re looking for”.
Mehdi: Actually, even without using the pronoun “we”, نحن , the conjugated verb نبحث means “we’re looking for,”
Munia: So you can say either نحن نبحث or simply نبحث . They both mean the same thing. Now, just like in English we say “to look for something”, in Arabic we say “to look on something or someone”.
Mehdi: In the dialogue we say نحن نبحث عن علي. Literally “We’re looking on Ali”.
Munia: We can replace Ali by the word for station, for example, and say “We’re looking for the station”. In Arabic, this is نحن نبحث عن المحطّة
Mehdi: Let’s practice how to say “I’m looking for”. And this may come in very handy in some situations.
Munia: The pronoun “I” in Arabic is أنا for both men and women. I’m looking for is أنا أبحث عن
Mehdi: For example, I’m looking for my bag.
Munia: أنا أبحث عن حقيبتي
حقيبتي means “my bag”. You can also omit the pronoun “I” in the sentence and simply say أبحث عن حقيبتي. “I’m looking for a hotel.”
Mehdi: أبحث عن فندق
Munia: Grammar simple sentences. نبحث عن علي or simply نبحث عن علي
Mehdi: We’re looking for Ali.
Munia: نبحث عن المحطّة
Mehdi: We’re looking for the station.
Munia: أنا أبحث عن ليلى
Mehdi: I’m looking for Leila. One last example.
Munia: أبحث عن حقيبتي
Mehdi: I’m looking for my bag,
Munia: That just about does it for today.


Munia: Mastering Arabic one step at a time with lesson specific quizzes. To accomplish this goal, we have set up several specific quizzes with each targeting the specific skill. Together, these specific quizzes will help you master several fundamental skills…

Audio - Moroccan

Review Track

