
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

M1: مساء الخير. Good evening.
Munia: Munia here. Newbie Series Lesson 12 – “I can’t remember all the names.” Hi, my name is Munia and I’m joined here by Mehdi. مرحبا, Mehdi.
Mehdi: مرحبا , Munia. Hello everyone and welcome back to ArabicPod101.com.
Munia: With us, you learn to speak Arabic like a native.
Mehdi: We also provide you with cultural insights and tips you won’t find in the text book.
Munia: In the previous lesson, we learned how to say “I want tea”. Mehdi, can you remind us how to say that?
Mehdi: أريد شاي
Munia: What about “I want coffee”?
Mehdi: أريد قهوة
Munia: What about today? Can you tell us what we’re going to cover?
Mehdi: The focus of this lesson is to learn how to use the future tense. We learn to say “What are you going to do” and “I will go” somewhere.
Munia: And that’s not all. For those of you who have trouble remembering foreign names, like me, we’ll learn how to say the phrase “I can’t remember all the names”. The conversation is between two friends, Nur and Amin, who are casually chatting about their evening plans.
Mehdi: They will be speaking in formal Arabic.
Munia: Drastically improve your pronunciation with the Voice Recording Tool in the Premium Learning Center.
Mehdi: Record your voice with the click of a button and play back what you record just as easily. This tool is the perfect complement to the line by line audio.
Munia: Let’s listen to today’s conversation.
Amin: ماذا ستفعلين هذا المساء؟
Nur: سأذهب إلى المسرح مع خالد و ... ممم
Amin: لبنى؟
Nur: لا أتذكّر كلّ الأسماء
Munia: One time, slowly.
Amin: مَاذَا سَتَفْعَلِينَ هَذَا الَمسَاءْ؟
Nur: سَأَذْهَبْ إِلَى المَسْرَحْ مَعَ خَالِدْ وَ ... مْمْمْ
Amin: لُبْنَى؟
Nur: لاَ أَتَذَكَّرْ كُلَّ الأَسْمَاءْ
Munia: Now, with the translation.
Amin: ماذا ستفعلين هذا المساء؟ What are you doing this evening?
Nur: سأذهب إلى المسرح مع خالد و ... ممم I’m going to the theatre with Khaled and um…
Amin: لبنى؟ Lubna?
Nur: لا أتذكّر كلّ الأسماء Oh, I can’t remember all the names,
Munia: I’m pretty bad with names, especially when I meet foreign people with names I'm not accustomed to.
Mehdi: It’s really embarrassing when you meet someone over and over and you still can’t remember their name.
Munia: Arabic ones are especially tricky because they’re sometimes long and difficult to pronounce.
Mehdi: Every Arabic name has a meaning though. So if you can know the meaning and associate it with the name, it might help you remember,
Munia: What’s the meaning of Mehdi, for example?
Mehdi: It comes from المهدي which means “the blessed one”.
Munia: Oh…
Mehdi: What about your name?
Munia: Munia is the plural of أمنية , which means a “wish” or a “dream”.
Mehdi: Pretty name. What about our characters in the dialogue.
Munia: Nur means “light”, and أمين means “a trusted person”. They’re both common names in the Arab world.
Munia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. هذا المساء
Mehdi: This evening.
Munia: هذا اليوم . هَذَا الَمسَاءْ
Mehdi: Today.
Munia: ماذا ستفعل؟ . هَذَا اليَوْمْ
Mehdi: What are you going to do? – said to a man.
Munia: ماذا ستفعلين؟ . مَاذَا سَتَفْعَلْ؟
Mehdi: What are you going to do? – said to a woman.
Munia: ماذا ستفعلون؟ . مَاذَا سَتَفْعَلِينْ؟
Mehdi: What are you going to do? – said to a group of people.
Munia: سأذهب . مَاذَا سَتَفْعَلُونْ؟
Mehdi: I will go.
Munia: سنذهب . سَأَذْهَبْ
Mehdi: We will go.
Munia: إلى . سَنَذْهَبْ
Mehdi: To.
Munia: المسرح . إِلَى
Mehdi: The theatre.
Munia: مع . المَسْرَحْ
Mehdi: With.
Munia: أتذكّر . مَعَ
Mehdi: I remember.
Munia: لا أتذكّر . أَتَذَكَّرْ
Mehdi: I don’t remember.
Munia: كلّ . لاَ أَتَذَكَّرْ
Mehdi: All.
Munia: الأسماء . كُلّْ
Mehdi: The names.
Munia: الأَسْمَاءْ
Munia: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Mehdi: The first phrase we’ll look at is هذا المساء.
Munia: This evening, هذا means “this” and المساء means “the evening”. We sort of connect the sounds together and make them sound هذا المساء .
Mehdi: We use the same format to say “this morning”, for example.
Munia: هذا الصّباح. Again, connecting the sounds هذا صّباح.
Mehdi: What about “today”?
Munia: Literally, in Arabic it’s “this day” which means هذا اليوم .
Mehdi: For example, “What are you going to do today?”
Munia: ماذا ستفعلين هذا اليوم؟. Amin answers by saying سأذهب إلى المسرح , which means…
Mehdi: “I will go to the theatre”.
Munia: “I will go” means إلى . سأذهب is “to” and, finally, المسرح is “the theatre”.
Mehdi: Now let’s try to replace the word for theatre, see how we can make new sentences.
Munia: Ok. “I will go home” is…
Mehdi: المنزل . سأذهب إلى المنزل means “home”.
Munia: What about “I will go to the restaurant”?
Mehdi: سأذهب إلى المطعم
Munia: Now let’s take a look at the word مع.
Mehdi: With.
Munia: سأذهب إلى المسرح مع خالد
Mehdi: I’m going to the theatre with Khalid.
Munia: مع من أنتِ؟
Mehdi: Who are you with?
Munia: أنا مع أصدقائي
Mehdi: I’m with my friends.
Munia: Or أنا مع عائلتي.
Mehdi: I’m with my family.
Munia: أنا مع ليلى و علي
Mehdi: I’m with Leila and Ali.
Munia: We can say “with me” by adding the suffix ي to the word مع. It becomes معي. For example, معي خمس دراهم.
Mehdi: Literally, “with me, five dirhams”. This is used to say “I have five dirhams.” dirhams is the currency of Morocco and other Arab countries.

Lesson focus

Munia: The first point we’re going to cover in this lesson is how to form the future tense.
Mehdi: We can form the future tense by adding the prefix س to the present forms of verbs.
Munia: For example, سأذهب means “I will go”. س is the prefix that indicates the future tense. And أذهب means “I go”.
Mehdi: “You go” is تذهب. “You will go” is ستذهب.
Munia: When addressing a woman, “you go” is تذهبين . “You will go” is ستذهبين.
Mehdi: What about the plural form?
Munia: When addressing a group of people, you say تذهبون, “you go”. And ستذهبون for “you will go”. For example, ستذهبون إلى المسرح هذا المساء.
Mehdi: “You will go to the theatre this evening.” Remember, إلى المسرح means “to the theatre” and هذا المساء means “this evening”.
Munia: Wait. What about “we will go”?
Mehdi: “We go” is نذهب. “We will go” is سنذهب.
Munia: A useful expression is سنذهب الآن. This is used to say “We’re going now.”
Mehdi: سنذهب الآن
Munia: Now let’s try to put the verb “to do”, فعل, in the future tense.
Mehdi: “I do” is أفعل. “I will do” is سأفعل.
Munia: What about “you will do”?
Mehdi: ستفعل when talking to a man, and ستفعلين , when talking to a woman.
Munia: For example, ماذا ستفعل هذا المساء؟.
Mehdi: “What are you doing this evening?”, when talking to a man.
Munia: ماذا ستفعلين هذا المساء؟
Mehdi: “What are you going to do this evening?”, when talking to a woman.
Munia: And to a group of people, you say ماذا ستفعلون هذا المساء؟.
Mehdi: That’s right. So, Munia, ماذا ستفعلين هذا المساء؟.
Munia: سأذهب إلى المطعم مع صديقي I will go to the restaurant with my friend. و أنت؟ And you? ماذا ستفعل هذا المساء؟ What are you going to do with this evening?
Mehdi: سأذهب إلى المسرح مع زوجتي I’m going to the theatre with my wife.
Munia: Enjoy it, Mehdi. Now the last point we’d like to cover today is how to say “I don’t remember”.
Mehdi: “I remember” is أتذكّر . “I don’t remember” is لا أتذكّر.
Munia: So you form the negations simply by adding لا, literally “no”, to the verb. لا أتذكّر “I don’t remember”. And in today’s dialogue, لا أتذكّر كلّ الأسماء “I can’t remember all the names.”
Mehdi: Let’s try to say “I don’t go”.
Munia: لا أذهب
Mehdi: For example, “I don’t go to school” is…
Munia: لا أذهب إلى المدرسة That just about does it for today.


Munia: Reinforce what you’ve learned by using the flash cards in the Learning Center.
Mehdi: There’s a reason we have all used flash cards at some point in our studies. The bottom line is they work.
Munia: They really do help memorization and that is why we have made them part of the core curriculum at ArabicPod101.com.
Mehdi: Ok. إلى اللّقاء
Munia: مع السّلامة

Audio - Moroccan

Review Track

