
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

M1: مساء الخير
Munia: Munia here. Newbie Series Lesson 10 - “Who’s in the picture? Part Two.” Hello, my name is Munia and I’m joined here by Mehdi. مرحبا, Mehdi.
Mehdi: Hello everyone and welcome back to ArabicPod101.com.
Munia: This is the second and last part of these lessons that introduce you to family members.
Mehdi: Last week we learned about the paternal family.
Munia: So we learned words such as عمّي “my uncle”, when referring to your dad’s brother. What about my cousin? As in the son of an uncle.
Mehdi: ابن عمّي
Munia: That’s right. We also learned how to attach the possessive suffix ي to the end of the words. Now let’s do a little quiz, shall we? Aunt is…
Mehdi: عمّة
Munia: My aunt is…
Mehdi: عمّتي
Munia: We explained how the silent ة at the end of the عمّة is pronounced when followed by the suffix عمّة ـ عمّة ـ عمّتي . ي Mehdi, what about this lesson?
Mehdi: The focus of this lesson is the maternal family. And in grammar we will cover the construct phrase or what we call in Arabic الإضافة.
Munia: The conversation is between Omar and Leila, two friends going over family pictures.
Mehdi: They will be speaking casual Arabic.
Munia: Don’t forget that you can leave us a comment on this lesson.
Mehdi: So if you have a question or some feedback, please leave us a comment.
Munia: It’s very easy to do. Just stop by ArabicPod101.com, click on Comments, enter your comment and name, and that’s it.
Mehdi: We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Munia: Let’s listen to today’s conversation.
Omar: من في الصّورة؟
Leila: إنّها عائلة أمّي. هذا خالي، ابن خالي و خالتي
Omar: و من هذا؟
Leila: إنّه جدّي
Munia: One time, slowly.
Omar : مَنْ فِي الصُّورَة؟
Leila: إِنَّهَا عَاِئلَة أُمِّي. هَذَا خَالِي، ابْنْ خَالِي وَ خَالَتِي
Omar: وَ مَنْ هَذَا؟
Leila: إِنَّهُ جَدِّي
Munia: Now, with the translation.
Omar: من في الصّورة؟ Who’s in the picture?
Leila: إنّها عائلة أمّي. هذا خالي، ابن خالي و خالتي It’s my mom’s family. This is my uncle, my cousin and my aunt.
Omar: و من هذا؟ And who is this?
Leila: إنّه جدّي That’s my grandfather.
Munia: With the vocabulary in today’s dialogue added to the one from last week, you can now name all your family members and relatives in Arabic.
Mehdi: Yes, it’s interesting to know how Arabic language takes great care of specifying the exact nature of blood relationships.
Munia: However, the cultural usage of these words is more inclusive of non-blood related people, as step-mother, for example, can be called خالتي, “my aunt”.
Mehdi: This difference between the real meaning of words and their cultural usage is an important one to keep in mind when learning Arabic.
Munia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. عائلة أمّي
Mehdi: My mom’s family.
Munia: خال . عَاِئلَة أُمِّي
Mehdi: Maternal uncle.
Munia: خالة . خَالْ
Mehdi: Maternal aunt.
Munia: ابن خال . خَالَة
Mehdi: “Cousin”, male, maternal.
Munia: ابنة خال . ابْنْ خَالْ
Mehdi: ‘Cousin”, female, maternal.
Munia: جدّ . ابْنَةْ خَالْ
Mehdi: Grandfather.
Munia: جدّي . جَدّْ
Mehdi: My grandfather.
Munia: جدّة . جَدِّي
Mehdi: Grandmother.
Munia: جدّتي . جَدَّة
Mehdi: My grandmother.
Munia: من هذا؟ . جَدَّتِي
Mehdi: Who is this? – when referring to a man.
Munia: من هذه؟ . مَنْ هَذَا؟
Mehdi: Who is this? – when referring to a woman.
Munia: مَنْ هَذِهْ؟
Munia: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Mehdi: The first word we’ll look at is خالي.
Munia: Literally “uncle, my” or “my uncle”. The last sound إِي is the possessive suffix, so the word for uncle is خال.
Mehdi: Same thing goes for the next word, خالتي.
Munia: It comes from خالة, which is “aunt”.
Mehdi: Next, جدّي is “my grandfather”. جدّ is “grandfather”.
Munia: Using the basic rule of masculine and feminine, grandmother is جدّة , with ة at the end. “My grandmother” is جدّتي. Now, just like in the previous lesson, we learned that to say “cousin” we interchangeably use “the son” or “the daughter” with the words for “my uncle” or “my aunt”. Here we go.
Mehdi: ابنة خالي
Munia: “My cousin” or “the daughter of my uncle”.
Mehdi: ابن خالتي
Munia: “My cousin” or “the son of my aunt”.

Lesson focus

Munia: In this lesson, we would like to talk about the construct phrase or الإضافة in Arabic.
Mehdi: We briefly talked about it in the previous lesson when we mentioned. ابن عمّي
Munia: Today, we’re going to cover just enough details to understand the point, but not too much to bore you.
Mehdi: The إضافة is one of the fundamental structures in Arabic.
Munia: Formally, it consists of two or more nouns strung together to form a relationship of possession or belonging.
Mehdi: For example, as in the dialogue, ابن خالي literally “son, uncle, my”.
Munia: Translated it’s “my uncle’s son” or “the son of my uncle”. The relationship between the two nouns may be thought of as equivalent to the English construction “of”.
Mehdi: So to say “my uncle’s son”, you must first reconstruct with the phrase to “the son of my uncle”.
Munia: Let’s look at some other examples. So if you want to say “Mehdi’s house”, we need to think of it as “the house of Mehdi”. بيت . بيت مهدي means “house” or “room”. It’s a noun and it’s followed by another noun, “Mehdi”. Another example mentioned in the dialogue is عائلة أمّي.
Mehdi: “The family of my mom” or “my mom’s family”. أمّي is “my mom”.
Munia: Now let’s try to say “my mom’s keys”. We learned before that “keys” are مفاتيح . So can you say that in Arabic?
Mehdi: “My mom’s keys”, “the keys of my mom”, مفاتيح أمّي
Munia: Only the final word in إضافة can take the possessive suffix ابن خالي . عائلة أمّي . ي
Mehdi: Also, the first word in each إضافة is definite without adding ال. The second word in the phrase is definite and takes ال.
Munia: For example, “the house keys”, “the keys of the house”. مفاتيح البيت . The first noun, مفاتيح, “the keys” is definite without ال . The second noun, البيت, “the house” is definite and takes ال .
Mehdi: Of course, if the second noun is proper noun, like in the example, “Mehdi’s house”, بيت مهدي, the proper noun “Mehdi” doesn’t take ال.
Munia: One last example to make sure that you really understand. Let’s try to say “the student’s book”. “The student” is الطّالب. “Book” is كتاب . So think of it as “the book of the student”, كتاب الطّالب. A simple إضافة consists of two nouns. A complex إضافة , on the other hand, consists of more than two. For example, “the daughter of the uncle of the father of Mehdi”.
Mehdi: Oh, no…
Munia: Relax, we’re not going to cover those.


Munia: That just about does it for today. Drastically improve your pronunciation with the Voice Recording Tool in the Premium Learning Center.
Mehdi: Record your voice with the click of a button and play back what you record just as easily. This tool is the perfect complement to the line by line audio.
Munia: إلى اللّقاء
Mehdi: مع السّلامة

Audio - Moroccan

Review Track

