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Lesson Transcript

Hi I am Chaima. Welcome back to Arabic weekly words and let’s find out together this week’s topic. Music, [الموسيقى (almussiqa)] it’s the same word in Darija, we say [الموسيقى(lmussiqa)] in Darija too.
The first word is
[أغنية] means song and
in Arabic, in Moroccan Arabic, [أغنية] actually is the same word
أُغْنِيتي المفضّلة هادي الأيّام هي وحد الأغني ة
سميتها "زينا" كيغنّيوها واحد القروپ جزائري.
’ughniyati lmufaDala hâdî l’ayyâm hiya waHd l’ughniya smîthâ zînâ kayghannywhâ waHd lgrûp jaza’irî.
These days my favorite song is a song called [zina] and it’s by [an algerian] band, yeah.
[مغنية] and [مغني] singer and
in Darija we say [mughannî/mughanniya] same word.
بيونسي مغنية معروفة في العالم كلّو.
biyônsî mughnniya ma'rûfa fî l'âlam kullû.
Beyonce is known all over the world
[كلما ت] lyrics and
we have the same word in Darija but [kalimât] is the plural of word. Word is [كلمة (kalima)] so the plural is [kalimât]
كاين أغاني زوينين ولكن كلماتهم خايبة.
kâyn ’aghânî zwînîn walâkin kalimâthum khâyba.
There are good songs but with bad lyrics.
[آلة موسيقية] Instrument.
In Darija, we would say ’âla musîqiyya
آنا ما كنعزف على حتّى شآلة موسيقيّة.
’anâ mâ kana‘zif ‘lâ Httâ shi’âla mûsîqiyya.
I don’t play any instrument sadly.
Next word
[غنى] to sing.
We have the same word in Darija, it’s ghannâ
غنّى شعشرات الأغاني.
ghannâ shi‘ashrât l’aghânî.
In the party, he sang like 10 songs.
Yeah that was it for the music section. And thank you for joining us and see you next week. Bye bye.

