Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone I'm Peryhan, and this is Egyptian Arabic weekly words. So let's get started! Today's lesson is about Studying a language, fun fun fun!
(ʾeesm) "noun"
And we can say, since we're studying Arabic,
اللغة العربية كل الأسماء فيها إما مذكرة أو مؤنثة.
(ālluġah el-ʿarabeyyah kullu el-ʾasmāʾ fīhā ʾemmā muḏakkarah ʾaw muʾuannaṯah.)
"In the Arabic language, all nouns are either masculine or feminine."
(tetʿallam) “to learn"
and in the dialect it’s
So for example you can say
من السهل إنك تتعلم لغة وإنت صغير.
(men el-sahl ʾeennak tetʿallam luġah ūʾenta ṣuġayyar.)
"It's easier to learn a language when you're young."
(ḥarf) "character"
For example you can say
لو عايز تتعلم صيني, لازم تعرف أكتر من خَمَسة آلاف حرف.
(law ʿāyez tetʿallem ṣīnī, lāzem teʿraf ʾaktar men ḫamash ʾālāf ḥarf.)
"If you want to learn Chinese, you need to know more than 5000 characters."
(dars) "lesson"
أنا مفهمتش درس الرياضة بتاع إمبارح.
(ʾanā mafhemteš dars el-ryaāḍah betāʿ ʾembāreḥ.)
"I didn't understand yesterday's math lesson."
(ṣefah) "adjective"
As for example you can say
الكتاب محتاجين يعرفوا صفات كتير لوصف المشاهد.
(ālketāb meḥtāǧīn yeʿrafū ṣefāt ketīr lewaṣf el-mašāhed.)
"Writers need to know many adjectives in order to describe the scenes."
And that's it for today! I hope you like the lessons. Why don't you comment below about the keywords you use while studying a language. And don’t forget to subscribe and check out the website. Bye-bye.

