Lesson Transcript

Okay, now it's your turn.
Do you remember how to say “What are you going to talk about?”
هتتكلمي عن إيه؟
(hatetkallemī ʿan ʾeīh?)
Imagine you’re going to talk about your favorite food. Do you remember how to say “my favorite food?”
أكلتي المفضلة, أكلتي المفضلة
(ʾakletī el-mofaḍḍalah, ʾakletī el-mofaḍḍalah)
Say "I'm going to talk about my favorite food."
هتكلم عن أكلتي المفضلة.
(hatkallem ʿan ʾakletī el-mofaḍḍalah.)
Now answer the question saying you’re going to talk about your favorite food.
هتتكلمي عن إيه؟
(hatetkallemī ʿan ʾeīh?)
هتكلم عن أكلتي المفضلة.
(hatkallem ʿan ʾakletī el-mofaḍḍalah.)
Now imagine you’re going to talk about your favorite place. Do you remember how to say “my favorite place?”
مكاني المفضل, مكاني المفضل
(makānī el-mofaḍḍal, makānī el-mofaḍḍal)
Say "I'm going to talk about my favorite place."
هتكلم عن مكاني المفضل.
(hatkallem makānī el-mofaḍḍal.)
Now answer the question saying you’re going to talk about your favorite place.
هتتكلمي عن إيه؟
(hatetkallemī ʿan ʾeīh?)
هتكلم عن مكاني المفضل.
(hatkallem makānī el-mofaḍḍal.)
Now imagine you’re going to talk about your favorite book. Do you remember how to say “my favorite book?”
كتابي المفضل, كتابي المفضل
(ketābī el-mofaḍḍal, ketābī el-mofaḍḍal)
Say "I'm going to talk about my favorite book."
هتكلم عن كتابي المفضل.
(hatkallem ketābī el-mofaḍḍal.)
Now answer the question saying you’re going to talk about your favorite book.
هتتكلمي عن إيه؟
(hatetkallemī ʿan ʾeīh?)
هتكلم عن كتابي المفضل.
(hatkallem ketābī el-mofaḍḍal.)
In this lesson, you learned new vocabulary and phrases you can use in your everyday life.
You are now able to present a speech topic like a native speaker!
See you in the next lesson!

