
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

May: مراحباً, أنا اسمي مي.
Danya: و أنا دانيا.
Timothy: Timothy here! Beginner, Lesson 6 - I'm Lebanese. أهلا بكم, hello, everybody and welcome to ArabicPod101.com. Today, I'm joined by Danya and May. May, كيف حالك؟.
May: بخير, الحمد لله. Fine, praise to God. و أنتِ دانيا كيف الحال؟ And you, Danya, how is it?
Danya: و أنا أيضاً بخير الحمد لله,شكراً.. I'm also fine, praise to God. Thank you.
Timothy: So what are we talking about today?
Danya: Today, we are talking about nationalities.
Timothy: So we'll be able to say things like, I'm American, he's Japanese and things like that.
Danya: Right.
Timothy: Stop by ArabicPod101.com and check out the learning center. We have a vocabulary list with audio with a bunch of nationalities and example sentences. If your favorite nationality was left out of the list, drop us a comment and we'll update it as soon as we can. All right, so in this conversation, two women are on an airplane to England.
Danya: They are going to introduce themselves and find out about each other's nationalities and the languages they speak.
May: This is a casual, polite conversation in standard Arabic.
Timothy: Let's focus on how to say nationalities.

Lesson conversation

هالة: مرحبا. إسمي هالة.
جميلة: أهلا. أنا جميلة.
هالة: من أين أنت؟
جميلة: أنا لبنانية. وأنت؟
هالة: أنا تونسية.
جميلة: هل تجيدين اللغة الإنجليزية؟
هالة: نعم، والفرنسية أيضا.
Eric: One more time with the translation.
الآن مع الترجمة الإنكليزية.
هالة: مرحبا. إسمي هالة.
Timothy: Hi. My name is Hala.
جميلة: أهلا. أنا جميلة.
Timothy: Hi. I'm Jamiila.
هالة: من أين أنت؟
Timothy: Where are you from?
جميلة: أنا لبنانية. وأنت؟
Timothy: I'm Lebanese. And you?
هالة: أنا تونسية.
Timothy: I'm Tunisian.
جميلة: هل تجيدين اللغة الإنجليزية؟
Timothy: Are you proficient in English?
هالة: نعم، والفرنسية أيضا.
Timothy: Yes, and French too.
Timothy: So, May, do you speak French?
May: No. I'm learning French.
Timothy: Yeah, where are you learning?
May: My best friend is teaching me. He speaks it fluently.
Timothy: Really?
May: Yeah.
Timothy: Okay, what about you, Danya?
Danya: I don't speak French.
Timothy: No?
Danya: But I've always wanted to learn French and hopefully with the help of FrenchPod101.com, I'll be able to speak French.
Timothy: Yeah, that's an awesome website. I love it.
Danya: I'm sure. I've heard so much about it. I'm looking forward to that.
Timothy: Awesome. So we just wrote this dialogue where these Middle Eastern people speak French and English, but you guys don't seem to speak French. Is this unrealistic?
Danya: No, it's not unrealistic. There are certain countries that speak English as a second language and other Arab countries that speak French as a second language. But in the Middle East, English is spoken as a second language more commonly than French.
Timothy: Okay.
May: It just depends on which country was colonized by what country. Like, let's say Algeria, Lebanon, they were colonized by France, so they speak French as their second language and they speak it fluently like Arabic. Of course, they speak Arabic in the streets but they know French by heart. Like Jordan, Syria, they were colonized by Great Britain, so they speak English as their second language more than French.
Timothy: Okay.
Danya: Actually in Syria, it was also colonized by the French. And about 60 or 50 years ago, French was taught in schools instead of English. And then it eventually changed to English right now.
Timothy: So when you say that French was taught in schools, do you mean like as a second language or do you mean like all the classes were taught in French?
Danya: No as a second language.
May: Yes.
Timothy: Okay.
Danya: And then people spoke it fluently. So for example, my grandmother used to speak French very fluently and the reason for that was because in school, they were taught French. And then eventually it changed to English as it is today.
Timothy: Okay. In the United States, we all have to take Spanish or French or some foreign language as part of our schools. Really, I don't know a lot of people that speak foreign languages fluently. So my question is in Middle Eastern countries is there actually a lot of proficiency in these second languages or is it just like in the United States?
May: Yes. Everybody nowadays knows English. So I mean everybody speaks English in the Middle East mostly fluently. Not everybody, every single person, but they at least can carry on a conversation.
Danya: Some people as May said won't really know English that well. They can get by with a few words.
May: Yeah.
Danya: But universities and schools, English is taught and it's part of the curriculum. So it's a must. And unlike the United States where a second language, they start teaching it in high school, over there, you start taking it from first grade.
May: Yes.
Danya: You have to take English as a subject and it's required.
Timothy: Okay. Let's review the vocabulary that was used in this conversation. What's the first word?
May: مرحبا [natural native speed]
Timothy: Hello.
May: مرحبا [slowly - broken down by syllable]. مرحبا [natural native speed]
Timothy: So this is a common greeting.
Danya: You can use it an anytime and anywhere with anybody.
Timothy: Okay. And the response?
May: أهلا [natural native speed]
Timothy: Hello.
May: أهلا [slowly - broken down by syllable]. أهلا [natural native speed]
Timothy: So you can respond to مرحباً with أهلاً.
May: Yeah or you could respond with مرحباً if you wanted to.
Danya: You can even start the greeting with أهلاً.
Timothy: Okay. So you can say أهلاً and then respond أهلاً.
Danya: Right.
Timothy: Okay. So what's the next word?
May: إسمي [natural native speed]
Timothy: My name.
May: إسمي [slowly - broken down by syllable]. إسمي [natural native speed]
Danya: This is made of the sound ي meaning my attached to the end of the word for name, اسم.
Timothy: We use this as part of our greeting.
May: اسمي مي , May.
Timothy: My name is May. And in the dialogue?
May: . إسمي هالة Hala.
Timothy: My name is Hala.
Danya: We also covered his name, her name and your name back in beginner lesson 1.
Timothy: Yeah, that's right. Let's move on to the next word.
May: أنا [natural native speed]
Timothy: I.
May: أنا [slowly - broken down by syllable]. أنا [natural native speed]
Timothy: Okay, let's hear an example from the dialogue.
Danya: أنا جميلة Jamiila.
Timothy: I am Jamiila. Now, in this case, Jamiila is a woman's name.
Danya: Right. In a previous lesson, we learned Jamiila meant beautiful.
May: Yeah. A lot of adjectives are used for Arabic names.
Timothy: Can we hear another example or two?
May: وسيم
Timothy: Handsome.
May: كريم
Timothy: Generous. So those are two male names.
Danya: Right.
Timothy: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Danya: من أين أنت؟ [natural native speed]
Timothy: Where are you from?
Danya: من أين أنت؟ [slowly - broken down by syllable]. من أين أنت؟ [natural native speed]
Timothy: This is how you would ask a woman where she is from.
Danya: Yeah. To ask a man, you would say من أين أنتَ؟
Timothy: So you just change the word for you.
May: Yeah. أنتَ for a man and أنتِ for a woman.
Timothy: Okay, so what's our next word?
May: لبنانية [natural native speed]
Timothy: Lebanese.
May: لبنانية [slowly - broken down by syllable]. لبنانية [natural native speed]
Timothy: Okay, so let's hear an example.
May: انا لبنانية.
Danya: لبنانية is a feminine form of the word.
Timothy: Okay, so would a man say this sentence?
Danya: أنا لبناني
Timothy: Okay, let's hear the masculine word again.
May: لبناني
Timothy: Lebanese for a man.
May: لبناني
Timothy: Okay, so what's our next word?
May: تونسية [natural native speed]
Timothy: Tunisian.
May: تونسية [slowly - broken down by syllable]. تونسية [natural native speed]
Timothy: Okay, let's hear an example.
May: أنا تونسية
Danya: تونسية is the feminine form for the word.
Timothy: Okay, so how would a man say this sentence?
Danya: أنا تونسي
Timothy: Okay, let's hear that masculine word again?
Danya: تونسي
Timothy: Tunisian for a man.
Danya: تونسي
Timothy: Tunisian for a woman.
Danya: تونسية
Timothy: Right. What's the next word?
May: تجيدين [natural native speed]
Timothy: You are proficient.
May: تجيدين [slowly - broken down by syllable]. تجيدين [natural native speed]
Timothy: So in the dialogue, this word was used to ask if Jamiila spoke English well.
Danya: هل تجيدين اللغة الإنجليزية؟
Timothy: Okay. So what would this sound like if we were talking to a man?
Danya: هل تجيد اللغة الإنجليزية؟
Timothy: Okay. Let's hear that new word again?
Danya: تجيد for a man, تجيدين for a woman.
Timothy: How else can we use this word تجيد?
Danya: It could mean to be skillful at. So swimming for example.
Timothy: Okay.
Danya: أنت تجيد السباحة., you are very well at swimming.
Timothy: Okay, so you're very skillful at it, you're very good at it.
Danya: Right.
Timothy: Okay, all right. So let's go on to the next word.
May: لغة [natural native speed]
Timothy: Language.
May: لغة [slowly - broken down by syllable]. لغة [natural native speed]
Timothy: In the dialogue, we used this to say the English language.
Danya: Except in Arabic, we say اللغة الإنكليزية , the language, the English.
Timothy: So we put the adjective, انكليزية, after the noun لغة.
Danya: That's right.
Timothy: And if the noun starts with ال as in اللغة, then the adjective gets it as well, الإنكليزية. So the next word?
May: الإنجليزية [natural native speed]
Timothy: English (language).
May: الإنجليزية [slowly - broken down by syllable]. الإنجليزية [natural native speed]
Timothy: All right, let's hear an example.
May: أنا أتحدث الإكليزية.
Danya: I speak English.
Timothy: Okay, so إنجليزية is feminine in this context.
Danya: Yes. That's because the language لغة is feminine.
May: Yes. In Arabic nouns and adjectives have to agree in gender.
Timothy: Okay, so what's the masculine word for إنجليزي
Danya: The masculine form is إنجليزي
Timothy: Okay, can we have an example?
Danya: هذا كتاب إنكليزي.
Timothy: This is an English book. Now, how do I respond in saying that she also speaks French? So this word in Arabic is?
May: الفرنسية
Timothy: French.
May: فرنسية
Timothy: فرنسية is feminine and فرنسي is masculine. So what is our final word for today?
May: أيضا [natural native speed]
Timothy: Too or also.
May: أيضا [slowly - broken down by syllable]. أيضا [natural native speed]
Timothy: This word is used just like in English.
Danya: Yes. You can put it in the middle of a sentence.
May: أنا أحب الشوكولاتة
Timothy: I like chocolate.
Danya: أنا أيضاً أحب الشوكولاتة
Timothy: I also like chocolate.
Danya: Or you can put it at the end.
May: أنا أحب الشوكولاتة أيضاً.
Timothy: I like chocolate too. Let's move on to the grammar point for today.

Lesson focus

Timothy: Today's grammar point is nisba adjectives. Nisba adjectives are adjectives that describe a relationship.
May: Like the relationship between a country and its citizens.
Danya: In fact, that's what nisba means, relationship.
Timothy: Okay. So today we'll focus on how to form nationalities from the names of countries. Let's get an example from the dialogue.
Danya: Jamiila was from the country لبنان. So هي لبنانية she is Lebanese.
Timothy: In this case, all we did was add ية to the end of لبنان.
Danya: That's right. We added ية because Jamiila is a woman.
May: If we are talking about a man, we would say هو لبناني.
Timothy: So if the country name ends in a consonant, like لبنان, then we add ي for a man لبناني,and ية for a woman, لبنانية.
May: That's right. Now if the word ends in A sound.
Danya: Like سوريا or أمريكا.
May: Yes. Then we just drop the A sound and put an ي or ية.
Timothy: Let's hear the country, the masculine nisba and the feminine nisba.
Danya: سوريا
Timothy: Syria.
Danya: سوري
Timothy: Syrian, masculine.
Danya: سوريّة
Timothy: Syrian, feminine. Can you repeat the country name and the feminine adjective? They sound really close, so I want to hear the difference.
Danya: سوريا, the country, سوريّة, for feminine.
Timothy: Okay. So the stress is on the E part of the nisba, so سوريا, the stress is on the first syllable, سوريّة, the stress is on the E part.
Danya: That's correct.
Timothy: Okay, great. Now, let's practice this a bit. We'll give out a country name and see if the listener can guess who to say it in Arabic along with the nisbas.
May: All right, here we go.
Timothy: This is an irregular one, England.
Danya: إنجلترا
Timothy: He is English.
Danya: هو إنجليزي
Timothy: She is English.
Danya: هي إنجليزية
Timothy: America.
Danya: أمريكي
Timothy: He is American.
Danya: هو أمريكي
Timothy: She is American.
Danya: هي أمريكية
Timothy: Okay, how about Japan.
Danya: اليابان
Timothy: Okay. He is Japanese.
Danya: هو ياباني.
Timothy: She is Japanese.
Danya: هي يابانية.
Timothy: All right, let's try Korea.
Danya: كوريا
Timothy: He is Korean.
Danya: هو كوريّ
Timothy: Okay. How about she is Korean.
Danya: هي كوريّة
Timothy: All right. How about Spain?
Danya: إسبانيا
Timothy: He is Spanish.
Danya: هو إسبانيّ
Timothy: Okay. Now, she is Spanish.
Danya: هي أسبانية
Timothy: Right. Let's see if you can figure out how to say Italy.
Danya: إيطاليا
Timothy: Try to say he is Italian.
Danya: هو إيطاليّ
Timothy: Guess she is Italian.
Danya: هي إيطاليّة
Timothy: All right, France.
Danya: فرنسا
Timothy: He is French.
Danya: هو فرنسي
Timothy: She is French.
Danya: هي فرنسية
Timothy: Okay. So if you know French or Spanish, this one might be a little easier, German.
Danya: ألمانيا
Timothy: He is German.
Danya: هو المانيّ
Timothy: She is German.
Danya: هي المانيّة
Timothy: All right, so how about let's move in to some Arabic countries, Morocco.
Danya: المغرب
Timothy: He is Moroccan.
Danya: هو مغربي
Timothy: She is Moroccan.
Danya: هي مغربية
Timothy: All right, how about Egypt.
Danya: مصر
Timothy: He is Egyptian.
Danya: هو مصري
Timothy: Okay. How about she is Egyptian.
Danya: هي مصرية
Timothy: How about Jordan?
Danya: الأردن
Timothy: He is Jordanian.
Danya: هو أردني
Timothy: Okay. Now, she is Jordanian.
Danya: هي أردنية
Timothy: All right. How about Algeria?
Danya: الجزائر
Timothy: He is Algerian.
Danya: هو جزائري
Timothy: Okay. Now, she is Algerian.
Danya: هي جزائرية
Timothy: Iraq.
Danya: العراق
Timothy: He is Iraqi.
Danya: هو عراقي
Timothy: How about she is Iraqi?
Danya: هي عراقية
Timothy: Okay, Saudi Arabia.
Danya: السعودية
Timothy: He is Saudi.
Danya: هو سعودي
Timothy: She is Saudi.
Danya: هي سعودية


Timothy: Okay. That's just about all the time we have for today. Make sure to stop by ArabicPod101.com and check out the learning center. There you will find vocabulary list with audio, line-by-line transcripts and extra example sentences. Join our fantastic community and let us know how we're doing in the comments.
May: Bye.
Timothy: Until next time.

Dialog - Standard

Review Track

