Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone! My name is Peryhan and this is Arabic Top Words. Today, we’re doing the 10 phrases you always want to hear. Let’s get started!
شكلك حلو انهاردة.
(šaklek ḥelw ennahārdah.)
"You look great today."
The first phrase is -
شكلك حلو انهاردة.
(šaklek ḥelw ennahārdah.)
"You look great today."
You look great! Awesome like shining.
"I miss you."
The second one is -
"I miss you."
Sometimes, you’ll hear Egyptian people say -
and the meaning is almost the same, but
is “I miss you.”
"I’ve missed you."
but we usually use it the same way so
برافو عليك!
(brāvū ʿaleīk!)
"You did a great job!"
Bravo! So it’s French and usually, we use it like in class, for example, they say
برافو. ممتاز.
(brāvo. momtāz.)
means “great”.
So they say
برافو. ممتاز.
(brāvo. momtāz.).
هيكون في بونص في آخر الشهر.
(haykūn fī būnaṣ fī ʾāḫer el-šahr.)
"There'll be a bonus at the end of the month."
This is every employee’s dream is to hear -
هيكون في بونص في آخر الشهر.
(haykūn fī būnaṣ fī ʾāḫer el-šahr.)
"There'll be a bonus at the end of the month."
I would love to hear this. Yeah.
إنتِ طباخة ممتازة.
(ʾenti ṭabbāḫah momtāzah.)
"You're an excellent cook."
The next one is every mother or every girl’s dream -
إنتِ طباخة ممتازة.
(ʾenti ṭabbāḫah momtāzah.)
"You're an excellent cook."
استريحي انت، و أنا هنضف انهاردة.
(esterayyaḥī enti, we ʾanā hanaḍḍaf ennahārdah.)
"Take a break. I'll do the cleaning today."
This is every mother’s dream is to hear -
استريحي انت، و أنا هنضف انهاردة.
(esterayyaḥī enti, we ʾanā hanaḍḍaf ennahārdah.)
“You take a break, I’ll clean today.”
I never say that. I’m such a bad person, but I usually clean my room so my mom doesn’t have to clean it.
انت كسبت!
(enta kesebt!)
"You won!"
Usually, in Arabic we say -
مبروك. إنت كسبت!
(mabrūk. ʾenta ksebt!)
“Congratulations, you won!”
Usually, in Egypt, we have this kind of commercials where they just pick around a person and say -
مبروك. كسبت معانا عربية!
(mabrūk. ksebt mʿānā ʿarabeyyah!)
“Congratulations, you won a car with us!”
Yeah, but usually, it’s not true, commercial break.
كان عندك حق!
(kān ʿandak ḥaʾ!)
"You were right!"
The next one is what everyone would like to hear sometimes is -
كان معاك حق.
(kān maʿāk ḥaʾ.)
"You were right!"
Usually, if you remember from previous lessons, we learned the word -
مش قلتلك كده؟
(meš ʾoltelak kedah?)
“Didn’t I tell you so?”
Usually, you would respond or answer,
أيوة, كان معاك حق.
(ʾaywah, kān maʿāk ḥaʾ.)
“Yes, you were right.”
جبت حاجة عشانك.
(ǧebt ḥāǧah ʿašānak.)
"I brought you something special."
The next one is what every girl likes to hear -
جبت حاجة عشانك.
(ǧebt ḥāǧah ʿašānak.)
جبتلك حاجة.
(ǧebtelek ḥāǧah.)
"I brought you something special."
If someone says that to me, I’ll be like, oh…, even if it’s too small like yeah. I don’t know. I’ll buy them something like a photo frame or something like that and then maybe I will print some photos of us and do some origami and decorate it so it’s personalized because I think personalized gifts, even if it’s not so expensive or I don’t know, if you put something, if you put your own touch, the gift will be really valued, but it’s not going to be like a necklace or anything like you can just easily lose it or something like that.
"Thank you."
In the end, if someone tells you any obvious compliments you just learned, for example, like -
إنت جميل.
(ʾenta ǧamīl.)
إنتِ طباخة ممتازة.
(ʾenti ṭabbāḫah momtāzah.)
You should always answer in
"Thank you."
That’s it for today. Thank you for watching and please write to us below a compliment you would like to hear or we have not mentioned in this video. Bye-bye!

