Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. My name is Peryhan and this is Arabic top words. Today’s topic is going to be about 10 Phrases to Help You in an Emergency. First, you need to know what the word emergency means. The word “emergency” in Arabic is
(ṭawaāreʾ). And “in case of emergency”,
في حالِة الطوارئ
(fī ḥalet el-ṭawaāreʾ). So you would need help in an emergency case,
أنا محتاج مساعدة في حالة الطوارئ.
(ʾanā meḥtāg mosāʿdah fī ḥalet el-ṭawaāreʾ.) “I need help in an emergency case.”
أنا محتاج مساعدة في حالة الطوارئ.
(ʾanā meḥtāg mosāʿdah fī ḥalet el-ṭawaāreʾ.)
So let’s get started.
من فضلك اتصل بالبوليس.
(men faḍlak etteṣel belbūlīs.) "Call the police, please."
The first phrase we have,
من فضلك اتصل بالبوليس.
(men faḍlak etteṣel belbūlīs.) "Call the police, please."
You can also say
من فضلك اتصل بالنجدة.
(men faḍlak etteṣel belnagdah), which is the colloquial way of saying the police (nagdah).
So in Egypt, for police, you can call 122,
واحد اثنين اثنين
(ūāḥid ʾiṯnān ʾiṯnān), or for the tourist police if you’re a foreigner, you can call 126,
واحد اثنين ستة
(ūāḥid ʾiṯnān sitta).
عندك حرارة؟
(ʿandak ḥarārah?) "Do you have a fever?"
You can also hear -
عندك سخونية؟
(ʿandak soḫūneyyah?) “Do you have a fever?”
Usually, the foreigners are not used to the heat in Egypt. It’s very sunny. So they get a sunstroke. So don’t forget to always apply a thick layer of sunscreen, hat. Sunglasses is a must. Always have a parasol with you because if you get a sunstroke, it’s very difficult to recover, you’re going to be sick for at least one week. So please take care of yourself and try not to have a fever.
مش لاقي الباسبور بتاعي.
(meš lāʾī el-bāsbūr betāʿī.) "I can't find my passport."
The next one is,
مش لاقي الباسبور بتاعي.
(meš lāʾī el-bāsbūr betāʿī.) "I can't find my passport."
We use the word (bāsbūr) for a passport; and if you really want the Arabic translation, it’s جواز السفر
(gawaāz el-safar).
(gawaāz) means “permit” and
(el-safar) means “to travel.” So it’s a travel permit. So, you can say
مش لاقي جواز السفر.
(meš lāʾī gawaāz el-safar.) Or,
جواز السفر ضاع.
(gawaāz el-safar ḍāʿ.)
غالبا أكلت حاجة مش كويسة.
(ġāleban ʾakalt ḥāgah meš kwayyesah.) "I think I ate something bad."
That’s when you’re feeling like your stomach is upset, you are vomiting or you have a fever, you have a stomach-ache. You can say,
أنا أحس مثل
“I feel like”;
أشعر كأنني أكلت شيئًا سيئًا.
“I feel like I’ve eaten something bad.”
Usually, Egyptian food is full of fat, it’s full of butter, so if you are not used to it, maybe the first few days, you’ll have a stomach-ache or your stomach will be a little upset. So, you can use this sentence to express that you have a problem to the pharmacy or to a doctor.
غالبا أكلت حاجة مش كويسة.
(ġāleban ʾakalt ḥāgah meš kwayyesah.)
أنا محتاج دكتور.
(ʾanā meḥtāg doktūr.) "I need a doctor."
The next one is,
أنا محتاج دكتور.
(ʾanā meḥtāg doktūr.) "I need a doctor."
You can also say,
محتاج أروح المستشفى.
(meḥtāg ʾarūḥ el-mostašfā.) “I need to go to the hospital” or,
اطلبلي الإسعاف.
(eṭloblī el-ʾesʿāf.) “Can you call an ambulance for me?”
اطلبلي الإسعاف.
(eṭloblī el-ʾesʿāf.)
If you’re in Cairo and you need an ambulance, please call 123.
واحد إثنان ثلاثة
(ūāḥid ʾiṯnān ṯalāṯah)
أنا مش عارف طريق الرجوع للفندق.
(ʾanā meš ʿāref ṭarīʾ el-rugūʿ lelfondoʾ.) "I cannot find the way back to my hotel."
You can also say,
مش عارف أرجع للفندق.
(meš ʿāref ʾargaʿ lelfondoʾ.) “I cannot go back to the hotel.”
So if you need to stop someone to describe you the way, you can say,
أنا قاعد في فندق شيراتون و أنا مش لاقي طريق الرجوع للفندق.
(ʾanā ʾāʿed fī fondoʾ šīrātūn we ʾanā meš lāʾī ṭarīʾ el-rogūʿ lelfondoʾ.)
“I am staying at the Sheraton hotel”, for example,
أنا قاعد في فندق شيراتون و أنا مش لاقي طريق الرجوع للفندق.
(ʾanā ʾāʿed fī fondoʾ šīrātūn we ʾanā meš lāʾī ṭarīʾ el-rogūʿ lelfondoʾ.) Or
أنا قاعد في فندق شيراتون و مش عارف أرجع للفندق.
(ʾanā ʾāʿed fī fondoʾ šīrātūn we meš ʿāref ʾargaʿ lelfondoʾ.)
“I cannot find my way back to the hotel.” So,
ممكن تساعدني؟
(momken tesāʿednī?) “Can you help me?”
في صيدلية قريبة؟
(fī ṣaydaleyyah ʾorayyebah?) "Is there a pharmacy nearby?"
The next one is,
في صيدلية قريبة؟
(fī ṣaydaleyyah ʾorayyebah?) "Is there a pharmacy nearby?"
For a foreigner, you are very lucky because if you have a stomach-ache or you have a headache or you feel like you are very sick, you don’t really have to go to the doctor or like you don’t really have to reserve an appointment in Egypt because usually in every pharmacy, there is a doctor there. He can give you an injection. He can prescribe you some medicine or if you feel bad, all you have to do is to go to the nearest pharmacy and just describe what you have or how you feel and they most likely are going to give you medicine.
ممكن تساعدني؟
(momken tesāʿednī?) "Can you help me?"
Or you can also say,
محتاج مساعدتك.
(meḥtāg mosāʿdetak.) “I need your help.”
So if you’re in trouble and you can just ask some random person,
ممكن تساعدني؟
(momken tesāʿednī?)
من فضلك اتصل بالمطافي.
(men faḍlak etteṣel belmaṭāfī.) "Call the Fire department, please."
اطلب المطافي.
(eṭlob el-maṭāfī.)
If you need to call the firefighters in Egypt, you should call
واحد ثمانية صفر
(ūāḥid ṯamānyah ṣifr) 180.
مش قادر أقف.
(meš ʾāder ʾaʾaf.) "I can't stand up."
مش قادر أقف.
“I cannot stand up.”
If you feel like you are very physically sick, you can just say,
مش قادر أقف.
(meš ʾāder ʾaʾaf.) Or,
مش قادر أقوم.
(meš ʾāder ʾaʾūm.)
I cannot get up. I cannot move my body.
مش قادر أحرك جسمي.
(meš ʾāder ʾaḥarrak gesmī.) “I cannot move my body.”
So these are all the variations you can use like if you feel physically tired.
حاسس إن جسمي همدان.
(ḥāses ʾen gesmī hamdān.)
It means, I feel like my body is very weak.
حاسس إن جسمي همدان.
(ḥāses ʾen gesmī hamdān.)
That’s it. Thank you so much for watching. Bye-bye.

