Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone. My name is Peryhan and this is Arabic Top Words. Today, our topic is going to be 5 Sentence Patterns for Beginners. So let’s get started.
اسمي .....
(esmī .....)
"My name is ...."
For example,
اسمي وليد.
(esmī walīd.)
"My name is Waleed."
You can also say
أنا بريهان
ana Perihan
I am Peryhan.
أنا بحب ...
(ʾanā baḥebb ...)
"I like ....."
The verb بحب (baḥebb) means love but in Arabic, we usually also use it as in like. So we don’t really mean as in, “I love something.” It’s just, we mean like, “I fancy this” or “I like this.”
So for example, you can say,
أنا بحب التفاح.
(ʾanā baḥebb el-toffāḥ)
"I like apples."
أنا مش بحب ...
(ʾanā meš baḥebb ...)
"I don't like ...."
And in the opposite of أنا بحب ...
(ʾanā baḥebb ...)
(ʾanā meš baḥebb …
أنا مش بحب ...)
“I don’t like.”
So here you should notice that مش (meš) means not or don’t.
أنا مش بحب ...
(ʾanā meš baḥebb ...) “I don’t like.”
For example,
أنا مش بحب الجري.
(ʾanā meš baḥebb el-gary.)
"I don't like running."
Or for example,
أنا مش بحب البرتقان.
(ʾanā meš baḥeb el-bortoʾān.)
“I don’t like orange.”
The next one is,
أنا ...
(ʾanā ...) which means,
"I am ....."
For example,
أنا تعبان.
(ʾanā taʿbān.)
"I'm tired." For a male and
أنا تعبانة.
(ana taʿbānah.) “I’m tired.” For a female.
So just say, (ana) أنا I’m and put whatever you want afterwards.
In Arabic, usually, we don’t say (ana) أنا so much. So we usually just say the adjective straightaway without I’m.
So for example,
That means, “I’m tired” or
“I’m so bored.”
(zahʾān.) “I am bored.” Without I am. Usually, you cannot do this in English but you can do that with other languages like Japanese and so on. So keep that in mind.
أنا مش .....
(ʾanā meš ...)
"I'm not ....."
As we said earlier, مش meš means not or don’t. So this means, I am not.
For example, you can say,
أنا مش عيان.
(ʾanā meš ʿayyān.)
"I'm not sick."
Or for example,
أنا مش زعلان.
(ʾanā meš zaʿlān.) for a male, that means, “I am not upset.”
أنا مش زعلانة.
(ʾanā meš zaʿlānah.) for a female. “I am not upset.”
أنا مش عيان.
(ʾanā meš ʿayyān.) For a male, it means, “I am not sick.”
And for a female, it’s
أنا مش عيانة.
(ʾnā meš ʿayyaānah.)
Also in the negative sentence, you don’t have to say (ana) أنا You don’t have to say, I am. You can omit it. So you can say
مش هروح.
(meš harūḥ.) “I am not going.” Without saying (ana) أنا and you will be perfectly understood.
That’s it for today. Easy, right? Bye-bye!

