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Hi everyone, my name is Peryhan and this is Arabic top words. Today’s topic is going to be about 10 Phrases to Use When You're Angry. Okay, let’s get started. I need to be very angry. Maybe we should have done this like before. I was like ah! Okay, so I am quite angry right now. So I am going to teach you 10 phrases you can use when you’re very angry. So the first phrase is,
ملكش دعوة.
(malakš daʿwah.) “That’s none of your business.”
ملكش دعوة.
(malakš daʿwah.) “It’s none of your business.”
Means “you don’t have.”
and دعوة (daʿwah) means invitation.
So it literally means
“no one invited you.”
“It’s none of your business.”
ملكش دعوة.
(malakš daʿwah.)
مالكيش دعوة.
(malkīš daʿwah.)
if you want to say it to a female because you know, females get into each other’s business.
مالكيش دعوة بالحوار ده.
(malkīš daʿwah belḥewaār dah.)
It means, “this topic is none of your business.”
“This discussion or this talk is none of your business.”
So, if there’s something happening near you and it doesn’t look so good, your friend might tell you
مالناش دعوة باللي بيحصل.
(malnāš daʿwah bellī byeḥṣal.)
It means,
“Let’s not get involved with what’s happening and let’s stay away from this.”
مالناش دعوة بالكلام ده.
(malnāš daʿwah belkalam dah.)
And so on.
(eḫras.) Shut up.
It means “To shut up.” “Shut up”
for a male and
(eḫrasī!) for a female.
You can use something that’s equally as threatening such as
ممكن تسكت شوية؟
(momken teskot šowayyah?) “Can you shut up for a while?”
“Can you be quiet for a while?”
“Can you shut up for a while?”
But for a female,
ممكن تسكتي شوية؟
(momken teskotī šowayyah?)
No, no, no. Don’t use this unless you are really angry.
سيبني في حالي.
(sebnī fī ḥālī.) “Leave me alone.”
The next one is when you want people to stay out of your business,
“Leave me alone” or “Leave me to my own devices.”
سيبني في حالي.
(sebnī fī ḥālī.)
سيبيني في حالي.
(sībīnī fī ḥalī.)
for a female.
سيبوني في حالي.
(sībūnī fī ḥalī.) if you want to talk to a group of people.
“Just leave me alone.”
سيبني في حالي.
(sebnī fī ḥālī.)
“I don’t want to hear anything from you.”
مش عايزة أسمع منكو كلام.
(meš ʿāīzah ʾasmaʿ menkū kalām.)
سيبوني في حالي بقه!
(sībūnī fī ḥalī baʾah!)
انت بتهرج؟
(enta betharrag?) “Are you kidding me?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Are you joking?”
إنت بتهزر؟
(ʾenta bethazzar?)
“Are you joking?” Same meaning.
Usually, you are, like, that’s unbelievable. Like, “are you serious about this?”
ده بجد الكلام ده؟
(dah bǧad el-kalām dah?)
“Are you being serious right now?”
إنت بتهزر؟ إيه إللي إنت بتقوله ده؟
(ʾenta bethazzar? eh elli enta betʾulu dah?)
“Well, what are you saying like are you joking?”
You can also say,
إنت بتستهبل؟
(ʾenta btestahbel?)
Like “Are you making a fool out of yourself?”
إنت بتستهبل؟
(ʾenta btestahbel?)
“Are you fooling me?”
“Are you fooling me?”
So you can say,
إنت بتهزر؟ إنت بتستهبل معايا ولا إيه؟
(ʾenta bethazzar? ʾenta betestahbel maʿāīā walā ʾeīh?)
Like, “Are you fooling with me or what?”
Like “What’s wrong with you?” Kind of thing.
أي حاجة.
(ʾayy ḥāgah.) “Whatever”
The next one is the teenager’s favorite phrase
أي حاجة.
(ʾayy ḥāgah.)
“Anything is fine.”
أي حاجة كويسة.
(ʾayy ḥāǧah kowayyesah.)
أي (ʾayy) means “Any”
حاجة (ḥāǧah ) means “thing”
So it literally means “Anything” but like it has a meaning of Whatever like “I am cool with anything.”
You can say it like neutrally like,
أي حاجة.
(ʾayy ḥāgah.)
أي حاجة كويسة.
(ʾayy ḥāgah kwayyesah.)
“Anything is good.” “Whatever is okay.”
But you can just say like
أي حاجة. مش مهم.
(ʾayy ḥāǧah. meš mohem.)
like “I don’t care whatever” like
مش فارقة معايا.
(meš fārʾah maʿāyā.)
“I don’t mind either way.” “I don’t care.”
So “Whatever”
أي حاجة.
(ʾayy ḥāgah.) and like you have to do this.
(kefāyah.) “Cut it out.”
It means “enough” or “cut it out” like كفاية (kefāyah) “stop”
Sometimes, the parents would use this a lot with their children like كفاية بقه (kefāyah baʾa)
It means, “cut it out now” like “Stop it” like “you should stop right there”
ماتعملش كده.
(māteʿmelš kedah.) “Don’t do that.”
بطل الهبل ده!
(baṭṭal el-habal dah!)
“Stop this nonsense.” Or “Stop this foolishness.”
مش عايز أتكلم معاك.
(meš ʿāyez ʾatkallem maʿāk.) “I don’t want to talk to you.”
The next one is,
مش عايز أتكلم معاك.
(meš ʿāyez ʾatkallem maʿāk.)
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
If you’re talking to a female, you would say
مش عايز أتكلم معاكي.
(meš ʿāyez ʾatkallem maʿākī.) “I don’t want to talk to you.”
Usually, you can also say,
مافيش بيننا حوار.
(māfīš bīnnā ḥewaār.)“There is no conversation between us.”
You can also say this in reference to a third party. So, if we are talking like if there’s two friends talking and one friend like a friend would ask you like, “hey, what’s up with this girl?”
And you would say,
مافيش بيننا حوار.
(māfīš bīnnā ḥewaār.)
it means, “We don’t really talk often.”
“We don’t talk with each other.”
مش عايزة أتكلم معاها.
(meš ʿāyzah ʾatkallem maʿāhā.)
“I don’t want to talk with her” as a third party.
في إيه تاني؟
(fi eh tani?)
What else?
Oh, you can also say,
ماتتكلمش معايا.
(mātetkallemš maʿāyaā.)
You can also say,
ماتتكلمش معايا.
(mātetkallemš maʿāyaā.)
“Don’t talk with me” “Don’t talk to me”
أنا متضايق.
(ʾanā metdāyeʾ.) “I'm upset”
أنا متضايق.
(ʾanā metdāyeʾ.)
“I am upset”
You can say,
أنا متضايقة عشان إنت مش مخلي بالك مني.
(ʾanā metḍāīʾah ʿašān ʾenta meš mḫallī balak mennī.)
“I am upset because you are not taking care of me.” Or
أنا متضايقة عشان إنت مش معايا.
(ʾanā metḍāyʾah ʿašān ʾenta meš maʿāyaā.)
“I am upset because you are not giving me attention.”
النهارده أنا متضايقة.
(el-nahārdah ʾanā metḍāyʾah.)
“Today I am upset.”
متضايق، زعلان ، طهقان
(metḍāyeʾ, zaʿlān , ṭahʾān)
It also means, “I am upset.”
(zaʿlān) means “I am sad.”
Also upset.
means “I’ve had enough”
“I am fed up”
متضايق (metḍāyeʾ) means “I am upset”
متضايق، زعلان ، طهقان، تعبان
(metḍāyeʾ, zaʿlān , ṭahʾān, taʿbān)
Ah I think that’s enough.
(we baʿdeīn?) “So what?”
The next one is,
(we baʿdeīn?) “So what?”
(we baʿdeīn?) is kind of it’s a very bad way to end the conversation because it’s like,
“So what?”
(we baʿdeīn?)
For example, if someone tells you متضايق (metḍāyeʾ) I am upset and then if you really don’t care, you can say,
(we baʿdeīn?)
“So what.” “What can I do for you?”
أعملك إيه؟
(ʾaʿmellak ʾeīh?) “What can I do for you?”
But like in a sarcastic way.
أعملك إيه يعني؟
(ʾaʿmellak ʾeīh yaʿni?) What can I do for you?
و بعدين في الكلام ده؟
(w baʿdīn fī el-kalām dah?)
It means also, “So what?” Like they cannot do anything.
و بعدين في الكلام ده؟
(w baʿdīn fī el-kalām dah?)
انت فاكر نفسك مين؟
(enta fāker nafsak mīn?) “Who do you think you are?”
انت فاكر نفسك مين؟
(enta fāker nafsak mīn?)
“Who do you think you are?”
That’s like one of the most favorite sentences Egyptians use.
انت فاكر نفسك مين؟
(enta fāker nafsak mīn?)
“You don’t have any power over me.”
So “Who do you think you are?”
انت فاكر نفسك مين؟
(enta fāker nafsak mīn?)
And on the other hand, some people like saying,
إنت ماتعرفش أنا مين؟
(ʾenta māteʿrafš ʾanā mīn?)
“Don’t you know who I am?” Which is kind of very arrogant.
Egyptians like using their expressions whether it’s the hand or the face or the words like the body language.
So it’s not going to be difficult for you to understand or see – realize if someone is angry with you. They really use their facial expressions and hands a lot.
For example, they would say,
(we baʿdeīn?)
like this or
ابعد عني!
(ebʿed ʿannī!)
Like “Stay away from me.”
ماتتكلمش معايا.
(mātetkallemš maʿāyā.)
They would always use their hands to make like a gesture.
So always pay attention to the facial expressions and the hands, the body language. When you are speaking with someone and you think they are getting angry because that’s probably going to be a very good sign.
Egyptians are very direct. They are not afraid of showing their feelings. They are not afraid of saying when they are angry. That doesn’t mean that you have ruined the relationship. They just like saying it, putting it out in the open and within one minute, you will be having tea together and nothing will be – there will be no problems at all but don’t be afraid to show your expressions like your anger.
Not in a very extreme way but try to keep it within the appropriate amount. You should also expect from your Egyptian friends to show their anger or show their feelings when they feel like they are not comfortable with what you are saying.
Thank you so much for watching. Bye-bye. I am actually getting like angry in a way. Just like just thinking of all these sentences makes me so angry. So it’s like so nostalgic because I don’t fight with anyone in Arabic anymore. It reminds me of all the times when I was fighting with my sisters like ahh!

