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Hi everyone, I am Peryhan and this is Arabic Top Words. Today’s topic is going to be about da da da da… Top 10 Marriage Proposal Lines. Yeay! If you have an Egyptian girlfriend and one day you decide that this is the woman of your life and you want to spend the rest of your life with her, maybe this video is for you.
Let’s get started.
(tetgawwezīnī?) "Will you marry me?"
The very first phrase you should probably learn if you are planning to propose to your Egyptian girlfriend is,
(tetgawwezīnī?) "Will you marry me? "
(tetgawwezīnī?) Like usually in a very soft voice.
تقبلي تكوني مراتي؟
(teʾbalī tekūnī merātī?) "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
Maybe you want to be more innovative and show her that you know more Arabic, so probably, you want to use this sentence.
تقبلي تكوني مراتي؟
(teʾbalī tekūnī merātī?) "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
The other way, if you want to ask someone to be your husband if you have an Egyptian boyfriend, you would want to say,
تقبل تكون جوزي (teʾbal tekūn gozī?) “Would you give me the honor of being my husband?”
ممكن تخليني أسعد راجل في الدنيا؟
(momken teḫallīnī ʾasʿad rāgel fī el-donyā?) "Will you make me the happiest man alive?"
Maybe you want to be more romantic. So probably, you will want to use this sentence.
(momken teḫallīnī ʾasʿad rāgel fī el-donyā?) "Will you make me the happiest man alive?"
You can also say, أسعد إنسان ʾasʿad ʾensān “The happiest human being.”
(el-donya) means in life or in the whole world, in everything.
So you would say,
ممكن تخليني أسعد إنسان في الدنيا؟
(momken teḫallīnī ʾasʿad ensan fī el-donyā?)
If you want to say that to your Egyptian boyfriend, you will probably want to say,
ممكن تخليني أسعد إنسانة في الدنيا؟
(momken teḫallīnī ʾasʿad ensanah fī el-donyā?)
means a human being but like for a female.
So, “Will you make me the happiest human being alive?”
Usually, you don’t say
أسعد بنت
(ʾasʿad bent)... It’s kind of weird.
انت اللي كنت مستنيها طول حياتي.
(entī ellī kont mestannīhā ṭūl ḥayātī.) "You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life. "
Be careful because it’s a little difficult to say.
انت اللي كنت مستنيها طول حياتي.
(entī ellī kont mestannīhā ṭūl ḥayātī.) as a male
but if a girl wants to say that to a guy, she would say,
انت اللي كنت مستنياه طول حياتي.
(enta ellī kont mestannyah ṭūl ḥayātī.) Oh, so romantic. I want to cry.
And the next phrase is,
عايز أكون معاكي طول العمر.
(ʿāyez ʾakūn maʿākī ṭūl el-ʿomr.) "I want to be with you forever. "
And if a female wants to say that to a male, she would say,
عايزة أكون معاك طول العمر.
(ʿāyza ʾakūn maʿāk ṭūl el-ʿomr.) “I want to be with you forever.”
Very beautiful.
ما تيجي نقضي بقيت حياتنا مع بعض.
(mā tīgī neʾaḍḍī baʾīt ḥayātnā meʿ baʿḍ.) "Let’s spend the rest of our lives together."
The next sentence if you want to be as is but maybe say it in a more carefree or fun way, very colloquial and very like friendly like. So you would say,
ما تيجي نقضي بقيت حياتنا مع بعض.
(mā tīgī neʾaḍḍī baʾīt ḥayātnā meʿ baʿḍ.) Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.
Make it let’s say, so less severe and more light and warmhearted or like a very carefree or very friendly. It’s a very nice way to say it.
مش متخيل حياتي من غيرك.
(meš motaḫayyel ḥayātī men ġeīrek.) "I can't imagine my life without you in it."
This one is for the like dramatic lovers.
(meš motaḫayyel ḥayātī men ġeīrek.) "I can't imagine my life without you in it."
To be honest, some people also use this in a very bad breakup. So they would say, I cannot imagine my life without you.
مش متخيل حياتي من غيرك.
(meš motaḫayyel ḥayātī men ġeīrek.)
For a male, he would say,
مش متخيل حياتي من غيرك.
(meš motaḫayyel ḥayātī men ġeīrek.) or
مش قادراتخيل حياتي من غيرك.
(meš ader ataḫayyel ḥayātī men ġeīrek.)
And for a female, she would say,
مش متخيلة حياتي من غيرك.
(meš motaḫayyela ḥayātī men ġeīrak.)
Yeah, very dramatic. Very dramatic!
نفسي أديلك كل حاجة، لكن أتمنى الدبلة دي تكون كفاية
(nefsī ʾennī ʾaddīlek kul ḥāǧah, laken ʾatamannā el-deblah dī tkūn kʾāyah.) "I wish I could give you everything, but I hope that this ring is enough. "
This one is very movie like. Basically, it says,
I wish I could give you everything but I hope that this ring is enough.
Actually, parents as well use this phrase a lot with their children. If the child wants something and they cannot afford it, they would say,
نفسي أديلك كل حاجة، لكن
(nefsī ʾennī ʾaddīlek kul ḥāǧah, laken.) but, something, something and then they would say an excuse. That’s a very nice phrase if you want to use it later for your parenting skills but for now, you can use this as a proposal way. So
نفسي أديلك كل حاجة، لكن
(nefsī ʾennī ʾaddīlek kul ḥāǧah, laken.) I wish I could give you everything but لكن (laken) also means but
(deblah) is only like for the engagement part but usually the woman, the lady, she would receive a
(shabkah) is probably what she would give during the wedding which is a whole set of accessories.
حاسس إن أنا و انتي اتخلقنا لبعض.
(ḥāses ʾenn ʾanā we entī etḫalaʾnā lebaʿḍ.) "I feel like you and I are meant to be together."
This one is usually most likely used for a pick-up line, not really a proposal line but you can use it if you want to be extra romantic.
حاسس إن أنا و انتي اتخلقنا لبعض.(ḥāses ʾenn ʾanā we entī etḫalaʾnā lebaʿḍ.) It means, “I feel like you and I are truly meant to be together.”
So a very romantic, very poetic-like. اتخلق etḫalaʾ means “to be created.” So we were created for each other and we were meant to be together and so on.
Don’t be – well, anyway, you should use it if you want to be extra romantic or as a pick-up line. It doesn’t work but…So cheesy. Really cheesy. Oh, the next one is even more cheesier. Okay.
The next one is also very romantic, kind of dramatic, a little cheesy.
قبل ما أقابلك، مكنتش حاسس أد إيه حياتي فاضية.
(ʾabl mā ʾaʾāblek, makonteš ḥāses ʾadd ʾeīh ḥayātī fāḍyah.) "Before I met you, I never realized how empty my life was. "
Okay. Dude, you really need to have a life. You know, only boring people are bored. You should be really in a committed relationship to use this one because it’s truly it’s way too cheesy. So, you should be careful with it. Don’t call your life empty unless you really mean it. So be careful. All in all, in general, Arabic is a very romantic language and Arabs especially Egyptians are always used to listening to romantic music and watching romantic movies. So if you use any of these sentences even though you feel it’s a little cheesy or maybe too much, don’t be afraid to use it because lots of people actually are very used to hearing it. We always call each other
(ḥabibi as in my love even if it’s platonic because Arabs really like romantic things.
That’s it for today. Why don’t you comment below about your favorite romantic phrase? Bye-bye.

