Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. My name is Peryhan and this is Arabic Top Words. Today’s lesson is going to be about 10 Ways to Save the Planet in Arabic. So let’s begin.
إعادة التصنيع
(ʾeʿādeẗ el-taṣnīʿ)
إعادِة التَدوير
(ʾeʿādet el-tadwīr)
"to recycle"
So for example, you can say,
إعادِة التَدوير مَشروع هايِل
(ʾeʿādeẗ el-taṣnīʿ mašrūʿ hāyel.)
Which means,
"Recycling is a good project."
Or you can say
إعادِة التَدوير مَشروع هايِل
(ʾeʿādet el-tadwīr mašrūʿ hāyel.), which is the same thing. “Recycling is a good project.”
(yeḥmī) "to protect"
For example, you can say,
عايزين نِحمي البيئَة مِن التَلَوُّث.
(ʿāizīn neḥmī el-bīʾah men el-talawwuth.)
"We need to protect the environment from pollution."
إعادة الاستخدام
(ʾeʿādeẗ el-esteḫdām) "to reuse"
إعادِِة الاِستِخدام بِتحافِظ عَلى مَوارِد البيئَة.
(ʾeʿādeeh el-esteḫdām betḥāfeẓ ʿalā mawāred el-bīʾah.)
Which means,
"Reusing helps preserve natural resources."
(yeḥāfeẓ) "to conserve"
For example, you can say,
عايزين نِعمِل حَملِةْ تَوعِيَة لِلحِفاظ عَلى المَيَّة.
(ʿāizīn neʿmel ḥamlet tawʿeyah lelḥefāẓ ʿalā el-mayyah.)
"We want to start an awareness campaign to conserve water."
تقليل الزبالة
(taʾlīl el-zebālah) "to reduce trash"
And here, we can use a word we previously learned which is
إعادة التصنيع
(ʾeʿādeẗ el-taṣnīʿ)
إعادِة التَدوير
(ʾeʿādet el-tadwīr), which means, “to recycle” and we can have a sentence like
إعادِة التَصنيع \ التَدوْير بِتقَلِّل الزِبالَة.
(ʾeʿādet el-taṣnīʿ \ el-tadwīr betʾallel el-zebālah)
"Recycling helps reducing trash.”
الاهتمام بالبيئة
(el-ehtemām belbīʾah) "to care for the environment"
For example, you can say,
الجَمعِيَّة دي مِن أهدافها الاِهتِمام بِالبيئَة.
(el-ǧamʿeyyah dī men ʾhdāfhā el-ehtemām belbīʾah.)
"This organization aims to care for the environment."
اِستِخدام مُنتَجات صَديقَة لِلبيئَة
(esteḫdām montagāt ṣadīqah lelbīʾah) which means "to use eco-friendly products"
So for example, you can say,
"الشركة دي منتجاتها صديقة للبيئة.
(el-šerkah dī montagāthā ṣadīqah lelbīʾah.)
"This company's products are eco-friendly."
تقليل تلوث الهوا
(taʾlīl talawwos el-hawā) "to reduce air pollution"
"محتاجين قوانين جديدة لتقليل تلوث الهوا.
(meḥtāgīn qawānīn gedīdah letaʾlīl talawwos el-hawā.)
Which means,
"We need new regulations to reduce air pollution."
تقليل تلوث المية
(taʾlīl talawwos el-amayyah) "to reduce water pollution"
So for example, you can say,
"المصانع لازم تقلل تلوث المية.
(el-maṣāneʿ lāzem teʾallel talawwos el-mayyah.)
"Factories must reduce water pollution."
ترشيد الاستهلاك
(taršīd el-estehlāk) "to reduce consumption"
So for example, you can say,
"عشان نحافظ على الأرض، محتاجين نرشد الاستهلاك.
(ʿašān neḥāfeẓ ʿalā el-ʾarḍ, meḥtāgīn neraššad el-estehlāk.)
"To protect the earth, we need to reduce consumption."
That’s it for today. Thank you for listening and why don’t you use today’s words to write your opinion about how you think we should protect the planet. I will see you all later. Bye.

