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Lesson Transcript

Natasha: Hello. It’s me, Natasha.
Judith: Absolute Beginners Season 1 Lesson 17; Learn Arabic Numbers While Haggling.
Natasha: Hello, everyone. I’m Natasha and welcome to ArabicPod101.com.
Judith: With us, you’ll learn to speak Arabic with fun and effective lessons.
Natasha: We also provide you with a cultural insight.
Judith: And tips you won’t find in any textbook. In this lesson, you will learn how to haggle in Arabic.
Natasha: This conversation takes place at a large souk in Cairo. The conversation is between Majah, Julia, and a merchant.
Judith: The speakers are speaking informal modern standard Arabic.
Natasha: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Natasha: هذا المتجر يبيع الأراجيل. لو سمحت، ممكن أن نرى بعض الأراجيل؟
Judith :طبعا. لدي أكثر من 50‮ ‬أرجيلة،‮ ‬اِنظري إليها
Natasha :أرغب بهذه، كم سعرها؟
Judith:هذه رخيصة جدا. سعرها 360‮ ‬جنيها‮ ‬فقط
Natasha: 360‮ ‬جنيها؟؟‮ ‬هذه‮ ‬غالية‮ ‬جدا‮! ‬ربما‮ ‬نشتري‮ ‬من‮ ‬متجر‮ ‬آخر
Judith :كلا، عفوا إنها ب 250‮ ‬جنيها
Natasha :ما زالت غالية
Judith: ‮512 ‬جنيها؟
Natasha: لا أعلم
Natasha: لا تحتاجين لأرجيلة غالية، قد تجدين واحدة ب 120‮ ‬جنيها
Natasha: Now let’s hear the conversation one time, slowly.
Natasha: هذا المتجر يبيع الأراجيل. لو سمحت، ممكن أن نرى بعض الأراجيل؟
Judith :طبعا. لدي أكثر من 50‮ ‬أرجيلة،‮ ‬اِنظري إليها
Natasha :أرغب بهذه، كم سعرها؟
Judith:هذه رخيصة جدا. سعرها 360‮ ‬جنيها‮ ‬فقط
Natasha: 360‮ ‬جنيها؟؟‮ ‬هذه‮ ‬غالية‮ ‬جدا‮! ‬ربما‮ ‬نشتري‮ ‬من‮ ‬متجر‮ ‬آخر
Judith :كلا، عفوا إنها ب 250‮ ‬جنيها
Natasha :ما زالت غالية
Judith: ‮512 ‬جنيها؟
Natasha: لا أعلم
Natasha: لا تحتاجين لأرجيلة غالية، قد تجدين واحدة ب 120‮ ‬جنيها
Natasha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Natasha: هذا المتجر يبيع الأراجيل. لو سمحت، ممكن أن نرى بعض الأراجيل؟
Natasha: This shop sells nice waterpipes. Is it possible to see the waterpipes, please?
Judith :طبعا. لدي أكثر من 50‮ ‬أرجيلة،‮ ‬اِنظري إليها
Natasha: Of course. I have more than 50 waterpipes. Have a look.
Natasha: :أرغب بهذه، كم سعرها؟
Natasha: I like that one. How much is it?
Judith:هذه رخيصة جدا. سعرها 360‮ ‬جنيها‮ ‬فقط
Natasha: That one is very cheap. Its price is only 360 Egyptian pounds.
Natasha: 360‮ ‬جنيها؟؟‮ ‬هذه‮ ‬غالية‮ ‬جدا‮! ‬ربما‮ ‬نشتري‮ ‬من‮ ‬متجر‮ ‬آخر
Natasha: 360 Egyptian pounds? That is expensive. Maybe we should buy at another shop.
Judith:كلا، عفوا إنها ب 250‮ ‬جنيها
Natasha: No. Sorry. It’s 250 Egyptian pounds.
Natasha: :ما زالت غالية
Natasha: That is still a lot.
Judith: ‮512 ‬جنيها؟
Natasha: 215 Egyptian pounds?
Natasha: لا أعلم
Natasha: I don’t know.
Natasha: لا تحتاجين لأرجيلة غالية، قد تجدين واحدة ب 120‮ ‬جنيها
Natasha: You don’t need an expensive waterpipe. Maybe you can find one for 128 pounds.
Judith: Okay, Judith, what do you say? What can you tell me about haggling in the Arab world?
Natasha: Haggling is the norm when shopping in the Arab world. The only time you will not be able to haggle will be in modern western style department stores. Even in large malls, there are often plenty of smaller stalls where you will be able to try to get a discount.
Judith: Can you give me some basic rules like if I want to haggling because it’s not normal in Germany. I have to learn how.
Natasha: Yeah. There are a few hard and fast rules when it comes to haggling. It’s important to have a rough idea of the cost of an item before you start shopping. Otherwise, you may find yourself paying a tourist price. So I ask the price of an item and then they will tell me a price that’s way too high.
Judith: And then what do I do?
Natasha: It is then the best to suggest a price which is slightly lower than the one you want to pay. This allows you some movement and both parties feel that they’re getting a good deal. It’s also important to note that if you suggest a price, I mean, as the buyer, then you cannot go back down below that price. And you should keep smiling and try to use as much Arabic as you can.
Judith: Yeah.
Natasha: If anything you will practice your Arabic and if you’re lucky, you will get a better price this way.
Judith: Yeah. Actually, I think the merchants, they are really glad when they see a tourist speaking Arabic. So they will really interact with you.
Judith: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is.
Natasha: متجر
Judith: Shop.
Natasha: متجر
Judith: Next.
Natasha: باع
Judith: To sell.
Natasha: باع
Judith: Next.
Natasha: لَو سمحت
Judith: If you please.
Natasha: لَو سمحت
Judith: Next.
Natasha: ممكن
Judith: Possible.
Natasha: ممكن
Judith: Next.
Natasha: طبعا
Judith: Of course.
Natasha: طبعا
Judith: Next.
Natasha: أكثر مِنْ
Judith: More than.
Natasha: أكثر مِنْ
Judith: Next.?
Natasha: أرغب
Judith: I like.
Natasha: أرغب
Judith: Next.
Natasha: سعر
Judith: Price.
Natasha: سعر
Judith: Next.
Natasha: رخيصة
Judith: Cheap.
Natasha: رخيصة
Judith: Next.
Natasha: جنيهاً
Judith: Egyptian pounds.
Natasha: جنيهاً
Judith: Next.
Natasha: إشترى
Judith: To buy.
Natasha: إشترى
Judith: Next.
Natasha: عفوا
Judith: Sorry.
Natasha: عفوا
Judith: Next.
Natasha: وجد
Judith: To find.
Natasha: وجد
Judith: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Natasha: The first word we’ll look at is "mumkin".
Judith: Possible. It’s a really useful word in Arabic because it’s used like can.
Natasha: For example, in this lesson’s dialogue, we had a phrase that literally translated to “possible that we see the waterpipes.”
Judith: And this means, can we see the waterpipes?
Natasha: "wajada"
Judith: To find.
Natasha: Is a different verb type than the ones we encountered so far. That is why the initial Waaw is lost in the present tense. The prefixes for the different persons are still the same though.
Judith: The focus of this lesson are the numbers above nine.
Natasha: Ten is "´ashr" in Arabic. Eleven is "iHdaa ´ashr" and twelve is "thalaathat ´ashr"
Judith: From then on, the numbers are regular. Just take any number and add "´ashr"
Natasha: Twenty is "´ishriin". All numbers above 20 are formed by saying the one cent "wa ´ishriin".
Judith: So you’re literally saying 4 and 20, 6 and 30, 9 and 90 and so on like in a Jane Austen novel. The numbers for 30, 40, 50, 60 and so on are all based on the numbers you already know, plus the ending -iin. Judith, can you say them for us. Thirty.
Natasha: thalaathiin
Judith: Forty.
Natasha: arba´iin
Judith: Fifty.
Natasha: khamsiin
Judith: Sixty.
Natasha: sittiin
Judith: Seventy.
Natasha: sab´iin
Judith: Eighty
Natasha: thamaaniin
Judith: Ninety.
Natasha: tis´iin
Natasha: Hundred is "mi´a" and 200, 300, 400 and so on are all formed as expected.
Judith: And how would I form a number like 530?
Natasha: Five hundred thirty is "khams-mi´a wa thalaathiin".
Judith: That’s just about does it for today.


Judith: Like our podcasts? Then like our Facebook page too. Get lesson updates, our Arabic word of the day and news on Facebook.
Natasha: Just search for ArabicPod101.com and like our fan page.
Judith: And if you like a lesson or a series on ArabicPod101.com, let us know by clicking the like button next to the lesson or series. So, see you next week!

