
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Natasha: Hello. It’s me, Natasha. Absolute Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 16, “An Egyptian Shopping Destination that Isn’t Expensive.”
Judith: Hello and welcome to ArabicPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Arabic.
Natasha: I’m Natasha and thanks again for being here with us for this Absolute Beginner Season 1 lesson.
Judith: In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about shopping.
Natasha: This conversation takes place at Khan el-Khalili Market in Cairo.
Judith: The conversation is between Majah and Julia.
Natasha: They are speaking in informal modern standard Arabic.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Natasha: حسنا، نحن الآن في سوق خان الخليلي، ما الذي تبحثين عنه؟
Natasha: لست متأكدة
Natasha: ما رأيك بسوار جميل؟
Natasha: أمي لا تلبس الأساور
Natasha: أو شال؟
Natasha: ا:ربما، نعم
Natasha: و أرجيلة لأبيك؟
Natasha: إذا لم تكن غالية جدا
Natasha: لأشياء هنا ليست غالية، ولكن عليك أن تفاصلي بالسعر، فأنت لست في أمريكا
Natasha: أعلم، شكرا لمساعدتك
Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Natasha: حسنا، نحن الآن في سوق خان الخليلي، ما الذي تبحثين عنه؟
Natasha: لست متأكدة
Natasha: ما رأيك بسوار جميل؟
Natasha: أمي لا تلبس الأساور
Natasha: أو شال؟
Natasha: ا:ربما، نعم
Natasha: و أرجيلة لأبيك؟
Natasha: إذا لم تكن غالية جدا
Natasha: لأشياء هنا ليست غالية، ولكن عليك أن تفاصلي بالسعر، فأنت لست في أمريكا
Natasha: أعلم، شكرا لمساعدتك
Natasha: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
Natasha: حسنا، نحن الآن في سوق خان الخليلي، ما الذي تبحثين عنه؟
Natasha: Okay. We are at Khan el-Khalili Market. What are you looking for?
Natasha: لست متأكدة
Natasha: I’m not sure.
Natasha: ما رأيك بسوار جميل؟
Natasha: Maybe a nice bracelet?
Natasha: أمي لا تلبس الأساور
Natasha: My mother doesn’t wear bracelets.
Natasha: أو شال؟
Natasha: Or a shawl?
Natasha: ا:ربما، نعم
Natasha: Maybe, yes.
Natasha: و أرجيلة لأبيك؟
Natasha: And a waterpipe for your father?
Natasha: إذا لم تكن غالية جدا
Natasha: If it isn’t too expensive.
Natasha: لأشياء هنا ليست غالية، ولكن عليك أن تفاصلي بالسعر، فأنت لست في أمريكا
Natasha: Things are not expensive here, but you have to haggle. You’re not in America.
Natasha: أعلم، شكرا لمساعدتك
Natasha: I know. Thank you for your help.
Judith: Okay. Maybe it’s time to talk about waterpipes, the shisha, right?
Natasha: Yeah. The waterpipe is one of the most important parts of Arabic social life. Shisha shops often occupy the same niche as bars in the USA or pubs in the UK. Often, the smoking is a social event with up to four hoses attached to a single device.
Judith: The tobacco is lit and placed into a little clay pot then it is covered by some tin foil. The smoke is drawn through the water where it is cooled and then inhaled by the smokers.
Natasha: Note that there are some areas like Riyadh, shisha shops are banned.
Judith: However, the custom has spread well beyond the Arab states. It’s increasingly popular in South Asia and growing in the USA and Western Europe.
Natasha: Although the shisha is safer than smoking, due to the length of time spent on the shisha, it is in fact just as bad as smoking cigarettes.
Judith: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Natasha: سوق
Judith: Market or souk
Natasha: سوق
Judith: Next.
Natasha: بحث
Judith: To research or consider.
Natasha: بحث
Judith: Next.
Natasha: متأكد
Judith: Sure or certain.
Natasha: متأكد
Judith: Next.
Natasha: سوار
Judith: Bracelet.
Natasha: سوار
Judith: Next.
Natasha: لبس
Judith: To wear.
Natasha: لبس
Judith: Next.
Natasha: أو
Judith: Or.
Natasha: أو
Judith: Next.
Natasha: شال
Judith: Shawl.
Natasha: شال
Judith: Next.
Natasha: ربما
Judith: Maybe.
Natasha: ربما
Judith: Next.
Natasha: أرجيلة
Judith: Waterpipe.
Natasha: أرجيلة
Judith: Next.
Natasha: شيء
Judith: Thing.
Natasha: شيء
Judith: Next.
Natasha: تفاصلي بالسِعر
Judith: Haggle.
Natasha: تفاصلي بالسِعر
Judith: Next.
Natasha: مساعدة
Judith: Help.
Natasha: مساعدة
Judith: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Natasha: The first word we’ll look at is "'asaawar" is the plural of "sawaar" meaning “bracelet.” "'ashayaa'u" is the plural of "shay'" meaning “thing.”
Judith: The focus of this lesson is the negative of the present tense of the verb “to be.” We already mentioned that there’s no translation for the forms of “to be” in sentences like “I am Julius,” “He is a teacher,” “She is beautiful,” and so on.
Natasha: However, there is an Arabic verb for not to be. And that one is mandatory when you’re turning the same sentence negative.
Judith: The forms of “not to be” are mostly the same as if this word was past tense, except for the change from "last" to "lays" as “them” for the third person.
Natasha: 'ana lastu
Judith: I am not.
Natasha: 'anta lasta
Judith: You male are not.
Natasha: 'anti lasti
Judith: You female are not.
Natasha: huwa laysa
Judith: He is not.
Natasha: hiya laysat
Judith: She is not.
Natasha: naHnu lasnaa
Judith: We are not.
Natasha: antum lastum
Judith: You, plural are not.
Natasha: hum laysuu
Judith: They are not.
Natasha: Keep in mind that the personal pronouns are optional even with this verb. That just about does it for today.


Judith: Attention perfectionists, you’re about to learn how to perfect your pronunciation.
Natasha: Listen and review audio tracks.
Judith: Increase fluency and vocabulary fast with these short effective audio tracks.
Natasha: Super simple to use. Listen to the Arabic word or phrase...
Judith: Then repeat it out loud in a loud, clear, voice.
Natasha: You’ll speak with confidence knowing that you’re speaking Arabic like the locals. Go to ArabicPod101.com and download the review audio tracks right on the lessons page today.
Judith:So, see you next time!

