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Lesson Transcript

Female: Hello, It’s me Natasha.
Female: Absolute Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 14. Making Future Plans in Arabic.
Female: Hi, my name is Natasha and I'm joined here by Judith.
Female: Hello everyone and welcome back to ArabicPud101.com.
Female: What are we learning today?
Female: In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about plans.
Female: This conversation takes place at Ahmad’s home. The conversation is between Ahmad’s brother Said and Muhammad. This conversation is in informal Modern Standard Arabic. Let's listen to the conversation.
Judith: سأسافر إلى لندن للدراسة في السنة القادمة إن شاء الله
Judith: عظيم، رغم أن لندن غالية
Judith: نعم، سيساعدني والداي
Judith: عظيم، لندن مدينة رائعة. هل سترى مدن أخرى؟
Judith: لن يكون لدي الوقت الكثير، ولكني سأحاول. أريد أن أرى أوكسفورد و ليفربول على الأقل
Natasha: Now, read slowly.
Judith: سأسافر إلى لندن للدراسة في السنة القادمة إن شاء الله
Judith: عظيم، رغم أن لندن غالية
Judith: نعم، سيساعدني والداي
Judith: عظيم، لندن مدينة رائعة. هل سترى مدن أخرى؟
Judith: لن يكون لدي الوقت الكثير، ولكني سأحاول. أريد أن أرى أوكسفورد و ليفربول على الأقل
Natasha: Now, with the translation.
Judith: سأسافر إلى لندن للدراسة في السنة القادمة إن شاء الله
Natasha: Next year, I will go to London to study, if God willing.
Judith: عظيم، رغم أن لندن غالية
Natasha: That is great. London id Expensive though.
Judith: نعم، سيساعدني والداي
Natasha: Oh, my parents will help.
Judith: عظيم، لندن مدينة رائعة. هل سترى مدن أخرى؟
Natasha: Awesome. London is a great city. Would you also see other cities?
Judith: لن يكون لدي الوقت الكثير، ولكني سأحاول. أريد أن أرى أوكسفورد و ليفربول على الأقل
Natasha: I will not have much time but I will try. I want to see Oxford and Liverpool at least.
Natasha: Okay, how common is this for an Arab to go and study, you say, in England?
Natasha: Studying in non-Arab countries is becoming increasingly popular especially as the use of English gains an importance. However, many Arab study degrees with heavy religious focus in which case they tend to stay in the region. The predominant university in the region is “Al-Azhar” at Cairo which attracts students from all over the Muslim world and is probably the foremost dedicational institution for Islamic scholarship.
Natasha: Where would Arabs go if they go abroad?
Natasha: They will usually go to Western Europe especially UK, France, USA, Canada, Australia, are all popular destinations.
Natasha: And how many stay on?
Natasha: It is difficult to assess how many stay on after their studies but the boom in the oil-rich Gulf nations is now beginning to lure some Arabs back to their region.
Natasha: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is…
Natasha: السنةالقادمة
Natasha: Next year.
Natasha: السنةالقادمة
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: إن‮ ‬شاءالله
Natasha: God willing.
Natasha: إن‮ ‬شاءالله
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: عظيم
Natasha: Great.
Natasha: عظيم
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: رغم
Natasha: Though.
Natasha: رغم
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: غالي
Natasha: Expensive.
Natasha: غالي
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: والداي
Natasha: My parents.
Natasha: والداي
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: ساعد
Natasha: To help.
Natasha: ساعد
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: آخر
Natasha: Another.
Natasha: آخر
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: حاول
Natasha: To try.
Natasha: حاول
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: أريدأن
Natasha: I want to.
Natasha: أريدأن
Natasha: Next.
Natasha: على‮ ‬الأقل
Natasha: At least.
Natasha: على‮ ‬الأقل
Natasha: Let's have a close look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we'll look at is…
Natasha: "lildraasati"
Judith: For study.
Natasha: The "‬li‭" means for, the extra “L” is from shortened "‬al‭". And the rest is the word “study” as we know it. Let's take a look at the form "sayusaa´idnii", ‬sa-‭ is the future tense, yu- is for “they.” Then comes to verb stem saa´ada, “to help”, and finally, the ‬-nii is the object pronoun "‬me‭". All in all, this means, “they will help me.” "mudun" is the irregular plural of "madiina". Since "madiina" means “city,” "mudun" means “cities.”
Judith: The focus of this lesson is the future tense. The future tense in Arabic is easy as can be. You just add the word "sawfa" or the prefix sa- to the present tense verb.
Natasha: So, instead of "'‬adrus‭", I learn, you get either "‬sawfa‭ '‬adrus‭" ‬or‭ "‬sa'adrus‭".
Judith: I will learn.
Natasha: There is no difference in meaning between using "‬sawfa‭" ‬or‭ "‬sa-‭"‬.
Judith: They are exactly the same.
Natasha: The negative is formed with the word "lan" and without the "sawfa", as we already explained in the previous lesson.
Judith: That just about does it for today.


Judith: Listeners, have you ever dreamed of starring in one of our lessons?
Natasha: If your answer is yes, use the voice recording tool on the lesson's page.
Judith: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Natasha: And then played back just as easily.
Judith: Then compare it to the native speakers in the lesson.
Natasha: And adjust your pronunciation.
Judith: After a few tries, you'll be speaking better Arabic than Judith here.
Natasha: Hey.
Judith: Got to ArabicPud101.com and rapidly improve your Arabic pronunciation. Okay, see you next time!

