
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Welcome to 3-Minute Moroccan Arabic Season 1, Lesson 24 - Offering an Invitation. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to invite someone out in Moroccan Arabic.
Becky: Here's the way to say 'Do you have plans on Friday night?' in Moroccan Arabic.
Khalil: [Normal] عندك شي بلان الجمعة باليل.(‘andk shî blân jjm‘a bllîl.)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'do you have'
Khalil: [Normal] عندك [Slow] عندك (‘andk )
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'a plan'
Khalil: [Normal] شي بلان [Slow] شي بلان (shî blân)
Becky: Last is the phrase meaning 'Friday night'
Khalil: [Normal] الجمعة باليل. [Slow] الجمعة باليل.(jjm‘a bllîl)
Becky: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Do you have plans on Friday night?'
Khalil: [Slow] عندك شي بلان الجمعة باليل. [Normal] عندك شي بلان الجمعة باليل.
Becky: Ok, now let's take a look at the way to ask 'Are you going out on Friday night?'
Khalil: [Normal] واش غادي تخرج الجمعة باليل؟(wâsh ghâdî tkhrj jjm‘a b llîl?)
Becky: First is a phrase meaning 'will you'
Khalil: [Normal] واش غادي [Slow] واش غادي (wâsh ghâdî)
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'go out'
Khalil: [Normal] تخرج [Slow] تخرج(tkhrj )
Becky: Last is the phrase meaning 'Friday night'
Khalil: [Normal] الجمعة باليل [Slow] الجمعة باليل(jjm‘a b llîl)
Becky: Listen again to the question meaning 'Are you going out on Friday night?'
Khalil: [Slow] واش غادي تخرج الجمعة باليل؟ [Normal] واش غادي تخرج الجمعة باليل؟
Becky: Next up is the way to say 'I'm going to the movies.'
Khalil: [Normal] غنمشي للسنيما.(ghanmshî lssinîmâ.)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'I will go'
Khalil: [Normal] غنمشي [Slow] غنمشي(ghanmshî )
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'to the cinema'
Khalil: [Normal] للسنيما [Slow] للسنيما(lssinîmâ)
Becky: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I'm going to the movies.'
Khalil: [Slow] غنمشي للسنيما. [Normal] غنمشي للسنيما.
Becky: Finally, here is a way to ask 'Will you join?'
Khalil: [Normal] تجي معاي؟(tjî m‘âya?)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'come'
Khalil: [Normal] تجي [Slow] تجي (tjî )
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'with me'
Khalil: [Normal] معاي [Slow] معاي(m‘âya)
Becky: Listen again to the question meaning 'Will you join?'
Khalil: [Slow] تجي معاي؟ [Normal] تجي معاي؟
Cultural Insight
Becky: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Khalil: Almost all Moroccans enjoy going out to cafes. There are bars as well, but not everyone drinks, so inviting people to a cafe is a safer bet at first. All around there are cafes where people often go to hang out and chat. However, it can get extremely crowded and noisy in most places if there is a big soccer game!


Becky: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Khalil: بسلامة (bslâma)

