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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Welcome to 3-Minute Moroccan Arabic Season 1, Lesson 23 - Asking for the Bill. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask for the bill and check the change in Moroccan Arabic.
Becky: Here's the way to ask 'The bill, please.' in Moroccan Arabic.
Khalil: [Normal] الحساب عفاك.(lHsâb ‘afâk.)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'the bill'
Khalil: [Normal] الحساب [Slow] الحساب (lHsâb )
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'please'
Khalil: [Normal] عفاك. [Slow] عفاك.(‘afâk.)
Becky: Listen again to the question meaning 'The bill, please.'
Khalil: [Slow] الحساب عفاك. [Normal] الحساب عفاك.
Becky: Now let's take a look at the way to ask, 'Where can I pay?'
Khalil: [Normal] فين كتخلصو؟(fîn kattkhallSô?)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'where'
Khalil: [Normal] فين [Slow] فين (fîn )
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'do you get paid'
Khalil: [Normal] كتخلصو [Slow] كتخلصو(kattkhallSô)
Becky: Listen again to the question meaning 'Where can I pay?'
Khalil: [Slow] فين كتخلصو؟ [Normal] فين كتخلصو؟
Becky: Here's a response meaning 'Excuse me, the change is wrong.'
Khalil: [Normal] سمح لي, الحساب غالط.(smaH liyya, lHsâb ghâlT)
Becky: First is a phrase meaning 'excuse me'
Khalil: [Normal] سمح لي [Slow] سمح لي(smaH liyya)
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'the count'
Khalil: [Normal] الحساب [Slow] الحساب (lHsâb )
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'mistaken'
Khalil: [Normal] غالط [Slow] غالط(ghâlT)
Becky: Listen again to the response, 'Excuse me, the change is wrong.'
Khalil: [Slow] سمح لي, الحساب غالط. [Normal] سمح لي, الحساب غالط.
Becky: Here's a response meaning, 'Keep the change.'
Khalil: [Normal] خلي عندك الصرف.(khllî ‘ndk SSarf.)
Becky: First is a phrase meaning 'keep'
Khalil: [Normal] خلي عندك [Slow] خلي عندك(khllî ‘ndk)
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'the change'
Khalil: [Normal] الصرف. [Slow] الصرف.(SSarf)
Becky: Listen again to the response, 'Keep the change.'
Khalil: [Slow] خلي عندك الصرف. [Normal] خلي عندك الصرف.
Cultural Insight
Becky: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Khalil: In a cafe or restaurant, it's usual to leave a tip for the waiter. There is no 10 percent rule, and you don’t have to tip at all either. But if you like the place, it's a good idea to tip well so that you get even better service in the future.


Becky: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Khalil: بسلامة (bslâma)

