
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Welcome to 3-Minute Moroccan Arabic Season 1, Lesson 17 - Why? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask and answer the question “why?” in Moroccan Arabic.
Becky: Here's the way to ask 'Why are you late?' in Moroccan Arabic.
Khalil: [Normal] علاش تعطلتي؟(‘lâsh t‘aTTaltî?)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'why'
Khalil: [Normal] علاش [Slow] علاش (‘lâsh)
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'been late '
Khalil: [Normal] تعطلتي [Slow] تعطلتي(t‘aTTaltî)
Becky: Listen again to the question meaning 'Why are you late?'
Khalil: [Slow] علاش تعطلتي؟ [Normal] علاش تعطلتي؟
Becky: let's take a look at the way to answer, 'I missed the train.'
Khalil: [Normal] مشى علي التران.(mshâ ‘liyya ttrân.)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'left'
Khalil: [Normal] مشى [Slow] مشى (mshâ)
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'on me'
Khalil: [Normal] علي [Slow] علي(‘liyya)
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'the train '
Khalil: [Normal] التران [Slow] التران(ttrân)
Becky: Listen again to the response meaning 'I missed the train.'
Khalil: [Slow] مشى علي التران. [Normal] مشى علي التران.
Becky: Now, let’s see how to ask 'Why do you leave so early?'
Khalil: [Normal] علاش كتمشي بكري؟(‘lâsh katmshî bkrî?)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'why'
Khalil: [Normal] علاش [Slow] علاش (‘lâsh)
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'you leave'
Khalil: [Normal] كتمشي [Slow] كتمشي (katmshî )
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'early'
Khalil: [Normal] بكري [Slow] بكري(bkrî)
Becky: Listen again to the question, 'Why do you leave so early?'
Khalil: [Slow] علاش كتمشي بكري؟ [Normal] علاش كتمشي بكري؟
Becky: Here's a response meaning, 'To not miss the train.'
Khalil: [Normal] باش ما يمشيش علي التران.(bâsh mâ ymshîsh ‘liyya ttrân.)
Becky: First is a word meaning 'to'
Khalil: [Normal] باش [Slow] باش (bâsh )
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'not leave'
Khalil: [Normal] ما يمشيش [Slow] ما يمشيش(mâ ymshîsh)
Becky: Next is the word meaning 'on me'
Khalil: [Normal] علي [Slow] علي (‘liyya)
Becky: Last is the word meaning 'the train'
Khalil: [Normal] التران [Slow] التران(ttrân)
Becky: Listen again to the response, 'To not miss the train.'
Khalil: [Slow] باش ما يمشيش علي التران. [Normal] باش ما يمشيش علي التران.
Cultural Insight
Becky: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Khalil: Just like in English, the word ‘lâsh meaning “why” can be used on its own, and depending on the context, people would understand what you are asking about. Moroccans generally enjoy introducing people to their culture and customs, so do not hesitate to use that expression as a way to learn more about the local culture.


Becky: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Khalil: بسلامة (bslâma)

