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Sounds That Animals Make
20 words
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Sounds That Animals Make
20 words
al-ʾusūd tazʾar.
الأسود تزأر.
Lions roar; they go, "Roaaaar!"
al-kilābu tanbaḥ.
الكلاب تنبح.
Dogs bark; they go, "Bow wow."
al-qiṭaṭ tamūʾ.
القطط تموء.
Cats meow; they go, "Meow meow."
al-baqar yaḫūr.
البقر يخور.
Cows moo; they go, "Mooooo."
al-ḫanāzīru taqbaʿ.
الخنازير تقبع.
Pigs snort; they go, "Oink."
al-ḫarūf yumaʾmiʾ.
الخروف يمأمئ.
Sheep baa; they go, "Meehhhhh."
al-naḥlu yaṭun.
النحل يطن.
Bees buzz; they go, "Bzzzzzzzzz."
al-ṭuyuūr tuġarrid.
الطيور تغرد.
Birds chirp; they go, "Tweet tweet."
al-dyikah taṣīḥ.
الديكة تصيح.
Roosters crow; they go, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
al-ḥamīr tunahhiq.
الحمير تنهق.
Donkeys bray; they go, "Hee-haw."
al-ḫuyuūlu taṣhul.
الخيول تصهل.
Horses whinny; they go, "Neighhh."
al-baṭṭu yubaṭbiṭ.
البط يبطبط.
Ducks quack; they go, "Quack quack."
al-ḍafādiʿ tanuqq.
الضفادع تنق.
Frogs croak; they go, "Ribbit!"
al-ḥamāmu yahdul.
الحمام يهدل.
Pigeons coo; they go, "Coo."
al-fiʾrān tuṣarṣir.
الفئران تصرصر.
Mice squeak; they go, "Squeeeeek!"
al-dīk al-rūmī yaṣīḥ.
الديك الرومي يصيح.
Turkeys gobble; they go, "Gobble, gobble."
al-būm yaṣīḥ.
البوم يصيح.
Owls hoot; they go, "Hooooo!"
al-daǧāǧ yunaqniq.
الدجاج ينقنق.
Chicks peep; they go, "Peep!"
al-ḏiʾāb taʿwiī.
الذئاب تعوي.
Wolves howl; they go, "Awoooooo!"
al-ṯaʿābīn tahis.
الثعابين تهس.
Snakes hiss; they go, "Ssssssss."