
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hala: السلام عليكم ، ازيكو؟
Roland: Roland here! Newbie Season 2 , Lesson 20 - This is Their Picture at School
Hala: Hello everyone! I'm Hala, and welcome to ArabicPOD101.
Roland: With us, you'll learn to speak Arabic with fun and effective lessons.
Hala: We also provide you with cultural insights
Roland: and tips you won't find in a textbook...
Roland: In this lesson you will learn about
Hala: more possessives with feminine nouns
Roland: This conversation takes place
Hala: anywhere
Roland: The conversation is between
Hala: Two friends.
Hala: therefore the speakers will be speaking
Roland: informal Egyptian Arabic
Hala: Listeners...I have a question...
Roland: A question?
Hala: Yes, I want to know when was the last time you commented?
Roland: Ahh, yes! Great question.
Hala: Stop by ArabicPOD101.com, leave us a comment or just say hi.
Roland: haha...okay, you heard Hala.
Roland: Let's listen to the conversation.
هالة: يا رولاند ، مين اللي في الصورة ، جنب العربية الحمرا؟
رولاند: دول أصحابي ، دي صورْتـْهـُم في المـَدْرسة
هالة: و ده مين؟ اللي لابـِس تي شيرت أزرق
رولاند: ده صاحبي في المدرسة و جاري، دي صورتــه جـنـب بيتـنا
هالة: دي صورتـه جنب بيتـكو ؟ يا سلام ، ده كبير و حلو قوي ، بس قديم شوية، و دي صورِتكو فين؟
رولاند: صورتـنا دي في بيت جـدّتي
هالة: فين صورتـْها ؟ عـَنـْدَك صورتها في البيت ؟
رولاند: مش عارِف ، أكيد في البيت ، بس دِلوَقـْتي لأ
هالة: يا خـُسارة !
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
A: yā Rūlānd, mīn ʾillī fī ʾiṣ-ṣūrh ,ganb ʾil-ʿarabiyyh ʿilḥamrā ?
B: dūl ʾṣḥābī , dī ṣūrithum fī ʾil-madrash
A: wi dā mīn ? ʾillī lābis tī-šīrt ʾzraʾ
B: dā ṣābī fī ʾil-madrash wi gārī, dī ṣūrtuh gand bītnā
A: dī ṣūrtuh gand bītkū ? yā salām, dā kibīr wi ḥilw ʾwī , bas ʾdīm šiwayyh ,wi dī ṣūritkū fīn ?
B: ṣūritnā dī fī bīt gidditī
C: fīn ṣūrithā ? ʿandak ṣūrithā fī ʾil-bīt ?
B: miš ʿārif , ʾkīd fī ʾil-bīt , bas dilwaʾtī laʾ
A: yā ḫusārh !
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
هالة: يا رولاند ، مين اللي في الصورة ، جنب العربية الحمرا؟
Roland: Roland, who's in the picture next to the red car?
رولاند: دول أصحابي ، دي صورْتـْهـُم في المـَدْرسة
Roland: These are my friends; this is their picture at school.
هالة: و ده مين ؟ اللي لابـِس تي شيرت أزرق
Roland: And who is this—the one who's wearing a blue t-shirt?
رولاند: ده صاحبي في المدرسة و جاري، دي صورتــه جـنـب بيتـنا
Roland: That's my friend from school and my neighbor. This is his picture next to our house.
هالة: دي صورتـه جنب بيتـكو؟ يا سلام ، ده كبير و حلو قوي ، بس قديم شوية، و دي صورِتكو فين؟
Roland: This is his picture next to your house? Oh wow, it's very big and beautiful, but a little bit old. And where is this picture of you?
رولاند: صورتـنا دي في بيت جـدّتي
Roland: This picture of us is in my grandma's house.
هالة: فين صورتـْها ؟ عـَنـْدَك صورتها في البيت؟
Roland: Where is her picture? Do you have her picture in the house?
رولاند: مش عارِف ، أكيد في البيت ، بس دِلوَقـْتي لأ
Roland: I don't know. Sure, at home, but now, no.
هالة: يا خـُسارة !
Roland: What a pity!
Hala: We have so many old houses, and more important, families and generations of the same family still living in them, as a part of the tradition in Egypt and most Arab countries, the boys and the girls don’t leave their family’s house until they get married. It doesn’t matter their age, what they are working. and doesn’t mean that they have no freedom or no privacy. That is only indicate how family relation are in this places. So, if you go to your friend’s house don’t expect to see him alone, but probably with his family. Right, Roland?
Roland: yeah, it is great how close and tight the family unite. It is more closer and unified more than Europe, for example.
Hala: Have you been to a house of any of your friends.
Roland: yes, I have been to many of my friend’s houses, all different types of Egyptian, all different types of working of lives. One thing is always the same is the family.
Hala: hope you enjoyed it.
Roland: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson..
: The first word we shall see is:
Hala: صورة [natural native speed]
Roland: a picture (Egyptian Arabic)
Hala: صورة [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: صورة [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: بيت [natural native speed]
Roland: house
Hala: بيت [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: بيت [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: أكيد [natural native speed]
Roland: sure
Hala: أكيد [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: أكيد [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: عندك [natural native speed]
Roland: you have (Egyptian Arabic)
Hala: عندك [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: عندك [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: دلوقتي [natural native speed]
Roland: now (Egyptian Arabic)
Hala: دلوقتي [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: دلوقتي [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: بس [natural native speed]
Roland: but, only, enough (Egyptian Arabic)
Hala: بس [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: بس [natural native speed]
: Next:
Hala: جدة [natural native speed]
Roland: grandmother (Egyptian Arabic)
Hala: جدة [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hala: جدة [natural native speed]
Roland: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Roland: The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
yaā salām ,يَا سَلام
a very interesting expression, it could express surprise, shock, or even sarcasm, depends on how its said, could mean ( oh wow, really, seriously ), or more like ( ohh really, go on ), when someone is speaking, and you are very interested in what they saying, you just say ( يا سلام, yaā salām ) please go on or please continue. It is a very common word. Keep in mind the tone makes the word different.
Roland: The second phrase will look at is
Hala: ( يَا خِسارَة, yaā ḫisārah). That is another expression we love to use, it means “ what a pity or what a lost”. You may hear as ( يَا خِسارَة, yaā ḫisārah) or just ( خِسارَة, ḫisārah), it is really the same, it just depends on the person who is speaking. You use when you hear something and you feel sorry about it.
Roland: Point number three…
Hala: ( اِللي, illī ) this is a very interesting connecting tool. It could mean “ that, which, whom, what”, it is very important.You need to keep track its position. The context will make a word of difference. We heard it here as “The one”. It might also mean “when” or “those”. It is a word you will learn by practice, just be attention to when it said, because this is part where the sentence will make or will have a different meaning.

Lesson focus

Roland: Let’s move on to the grammar point.
The focus of this lesson is possessives, “their”
Hald: ( دي صورتكو)di suritku? "this is your picture?". We are going to look at the possessive pronouns with feminine nouns, just like we have done before. we are going to add the possessive, and we will also have the “t” sound before them, So, if you want to say their picture, it is going to be ( صُورُتْهُم, ṣuūruthum ), and if we are going to say his picture, it is going to be ( صُورْتو, ṣuūrtū ) and for a feminine ( صُورُتها, ṣuūruthā ). What i have done here, I made the letter before the (hum or ha ) silent, for an easier pronunciation. Keep in mind this is one thing you will learn by practice. There is some kind of a sense of the language, you will start learning with time. Always choose what is easiest for you, because probably this is the same thing. To form “Your picture” plural, we will add the “kū” sound, so it will be (صُورُتكو, ṣuūrutkū ), and just refreshing memory, to say our picture we say ( صُورِتْنا, ṣuūritnā ), we had another picture to this one “my grandmother”, “Grandmother” is (جِدَّة, ǧiddah) and in the conversation it was said ( جِدِتي, ǧiditī ) which means “My grandmother”, so the ( t ) was visiable here again, because it is a feminine noun.


Roland: That just about does it for today.
Roland: Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to drastically improve your pronunciation.
Hala: The voice recording tool...
Roland: Yes, the voice recording tool in the premium learning center...
Hala: Record your voice with a click of a button,
Roland: and then play it back just as easily.
Hala: So you record your voice, and then listen to it.
Roland: Compare it to the native speakers...
Hala: And adjust your pronunciation!
Roland: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast!
Roland: مع ألف سلامة
Hala: مع السلامة

